A highly configurable yet simple to use TOTP based two-factor authentication processing module for SimpleSAMLphp
Provides OpenID Connect support to SimpleSAMLphp
A SimpleSAMLphp module for using Redis for session storage etc.
Themes for use in SimpleSAMLphp installations
Cassandra Store for SimpleSAMLphp.
Allows self registration of user accounts using an SQL database back-end.
Provides authentication module for Pica-based library systems
A SimpleSAMLphp module adding support for the Symfony2 default Password encoder.
Provides OAuth2 dataporten as a connection option for providers in SimpleSAMLphp.
Provides OpenID Connect support to SimpleSAMLphp
A SimpleSAMLphp module for authenticating users via Apache/IIS integrated HTTP Negotiate support.
SimpleSAMLphp utilities for Hub & Spoke federations
A description of the module 'mymodule'.
An end to end test for authenticating
Attribute Authority for simpleSAMLphp
Attribute Aggregator implementation or SAML AttributeQuery
Collect attributes from backend databases like sql or ldap
Get attribute from any rest api
Filter to remove attribute values which are not properly scoped.
Two-factor authentication module for simpleSAMLphp using Google Authenticator
Authentication source for niif:VHO
F-TICKS logger for simplesamlphp
HEXAA attribute resolver authproc filter
Authproc filter to release special/local attributes to only a set of configured SPs.
Filter to generate generate PersistentNameID (and the value for eduPersonTargetedID) with the same algorithm as Shibboleth IdP does.
Retrieves group membership information from a VOOT provider and adds the groups to a SAML attribute
Add two factor authentication like OTP to simpleSAMLphp. The second factor is managed in privacyIDEA.
A SimpleSAMLphp module for pre-installing an IdP.
A SimpleSAMLphp module for pre-installing an IdP.
A SimpleSAMLphp module adding support for the PAPI protocol.
SIR2 simpleSAMLphp theme
SimpleSAMLphp module to convert entity attributes from metadata into attributes
SimpleSAMLphp module to provide additional attributes from a SQL database
A SimpleSAMLphp module adding support for Doctrine/DBAL.
A SimpleSAMLphp module adding support for the OAuth2 protocol.
A SimpleSAMLphp filter for SIR OpenID attributes.
A SimpleSAMLphp module adding support for the Twig template library.
OAuth 2.0 server module supporting Bearer tokens for simpleSAMLphp
Material Design theme for IdP Hub based on SimpleSAMLphp
SimpleSAMLphp auth module implementing various security measures before calls to IdP ID Broker backend
IdP Discovery module for simpleSAMLphp with extra business logic
Material Design theme for IdP Hub based on SimpleSAMLphp
A SAML 2.0 metadata aggregator for SimpleSAMLphp.
A SAML 2.0 metadata aggregator for SimpleSAMLphp.
This module provides an interface to do automatic testing of authentication sources.
CAS 1.0 and 2.0 compliant CAS server module for simpleSAMLphp
A SimpleSAMLphp module implementing a very simple user interface for managing consent.
A SimpleSAMLphp module to provide a very flexible User Interface implementing an IdP Discovery Service.
A SimpleSAMLphp module to define attribute release policies based on entity categories.