PHP Utility Classes
This trait allows you to easily flag attributes that should be set as null.
Helps to generate full PHP files from tepmlates (stubs)
This simple trait written for eloquent allows you to automaticly write down id of last user changed the database record.
A package to override Laravel migrations to more efficiently store UUID fields in your database
A PHP,SQL,Javascript live interpreter based on the Silex-Kitchen-Edition.
Cascading queued or regular deletes and restores for Eloquent models that implement soft deletes
Validate Swedish social security numbers
Transform macro args to array.
pushd / popd functionality for PHP
Cascading deletes for Eloquent models that implement soft deletes
This trait allows you to easily flag attributes that should be set as null when being persisted to the database using the Laravel PHP Framework.
A simple trait to use with models to check whether they own other models.
A simple web application menu management package.
Provides a small package of debugging utilites, especially a better var_dump-alternative
Generate a 1x1 transparent pixel
Permanent (301) and temporary (302) redirection
Simple UI URL Router
Extension api to jQuery
A cache utility to manage localStorage at instance level and caching js files on browser
utils.json interceptor to create json from json template
Generic context classes and traits for Behat
Implementation of Canada Post API
Autogenerate phpdoc for magic methods from json documents
Zero footprint Module testing for Magento Modules
Runtime modification of class definitions
Transforms Doctrine entities to arrays with different configuration
Provides strongly typed object of String, Integer, Float and ArrayType
Dead simple sql migrations
Phar Archive Maker for PHP Projects
A Helper for sending requests to the WHMCS hosting management API.
PHP Utility Classes
A PHP library for opening and parsing backer exports from Kickstarter campaigns.
Helpers for swedish personal identity numbers.
A php array/stdClass alternative to store configs, options and more.
Helper to get the codesniffer page (for accessibility standards) based on errorcode
Configure a virtual machine for Windows OSes
Style guide build tool
Misc PHP Utility
error_log(print_r($xyz, 1));
Exceptions with semantic names (see Java).
Random helpers.
EU and non EU VAT number validation
Email Verification Utility
JavaSript based message queue
Simple UI URL Router
A Markdown to HTML converter written in Javascript