Redmine Command
A simple Redmine slack integration to manage issues., (*1)
* One Slack "Slash Commands" and one "Incoming WebHooks" integration (see Install).
* php-redmine-api
* KLogger, (*2)
How does it work?
* It installs as a PHP application on your web server (using composer).
* Through a "Slash Commands" Slack integration, it receives requests.
* It communicates with your redmine installation to gather (or update) data.
* Posts the results to an "Incoming WebHooks" Slack integration in the originator's channel or private group (yeah, private group!)., (*3)
Current Features
The current stable release implements an extensible architecture that support easy implementation of future commands.
Commands list:
* show . Shows all the details in a redmine issue(s).
* ussage (from slack): /redmine show issue_numbers
* example: /redmine show 1 2 10
* help . Shows the help data from every registered command.
* ussage: /redmine help, (*4)
- Move all strings variables to a global definitions file.
- Implement more commands. The current work in progress centers around creating issues.
- PHP >= 5.4 with cURL extension,
- "Enable REST web service" on your redmine settings (Administration > Settings > Authentication)
- Your "API access key" from your profile page.
- Slack integrations (see install).
On Slack
Create a new "Slash Commands" integration with the following data:, (*5)
- Command: /redmine (or whatever you like)
- URL: the URL pointing to the index.php of your redmine-command install
- Method: POST
- Token: copy this token, we'll need it later.
Create a new "Incoming WebHooks" slack integration:, (*6)
- Post to Channel: Pick one, but this will be ignored by redmine-command.
- Webhook URL: copy this URL, we'll need it later.
- Descriptive Label, Customize Name, Customize Icon: whatever you like.
Go to Slack API and copy the authentication token for your team., (*7)
Go to your profile page on Redmine and copy your "API access key"., (*8)
On your web server
Install composer in a folder of your preference (should be accessible from your web server) then run:, (*9)
$ php composer.phar require digitalicagroup/redmine-command:~0.1
$ cp vendor/digitalicagroup/redmine-command/index.php .
The last line copies index.php from the package with the configuration you need to modify., (*10)
Edit index.php and add the following configuration parameters:, (*11)
* token sent by slack (from your "Slash Commands" integration).
$config->token = "vuLKJlkjdsflkjLKJLKJlkjd";
* URL of the Incoming WebHook slack integration.
$config->slack_webhook_url = "";
* Slack API authentication token for your team.
$config->slack_api_token = "xoxp-98475983759834-38475984579843-34985793845";
* Base URL of redmine installation.
$config->redmine_url = "https://your/redmine/install";
* Redmine API key.
$config->redmine_api_key = "0d089u4sldkfjfljlksdjffj43099034j";
* Log level threshold. The default is DEBUG.
* If you are done testing or installing in production environment,
* uncomment this line.
//$config->log_level = LogLevel::WARNING;
* logs folder, make sure the invoker have write permission.
$config->log_dir = "/srv/api/redmine-command/logs";
Make sure you give write permissions to the log_dir folder., (*12)
This is a list of common errors:
* "I see some errors about permissions in the apache error log".
* The process running redmine-command (usually the web server) needs write permissions to the folder configured in you $config->log_dir parameter.
* For example, if you are running apache, that folder group must be assigned to www-data and its write permission for groups must be turned on.
* "I followed the steps and nothing happens, nothing in web server error log and nothing in the app log".
* If you see nothing in the logs (and have the debug level setted), may be the app is dying in the process of validating the slack token. redmine-command validates that the request matches with the configured token or the app dies at the very beginning.
* "There is no error in the web server error log, I see some output in the app log (with the debug log level), but i get nothing in my channel/group".
* Check in the app log for the strings "[DEBUG] Util: group found!" or "[DEBUG] Util: channel found!" . If you can't see those strings, check if your slack authentication token for your team is from an user that have access to the private group you are writing from.
* I just developed a new command but I am getting a class not found error on CommandFactory.
* Every time you add a new command (hence a new class), you must update the composer autoloader. just type:
* php composer.phar update, (*13)
If you want to add aditional commands, your are welcome to contribute. All you need to do is extend the AbstractCommand class, and add a new entry to the commands_definition.json file. (You can see CmdShow.php for an example of what a command must do)., (*14)
All commands are received through the same "Slash Command Integration", so the first word after the /redmine must be the command trigger. The next words are splited by one or more spaces and passed to the command that triggered., (*15)
The active development is done under the unstable branch. And the last stable release candidate is in the master branch., (*16)
About Digitalica
We are a small firm focusing on mobile apps development (iOS, Android) and we are passionate about new technologies and ways that helps us work better.
* This project homepage: RedmineCommand
* Digitalica homepage:, (*17)