2017 © Pedro Peláez

drupal-profile multisite_drupal_standard

Drupal 7 standard profile provided by ec-europa/platform-dev



Drupal 7 standard profile provided by ec-europa/platform-dev

  • Friday, June 22, 2018
  • by verbruggenalex
  • Repository
  • 0 Watchers
  • 1 Stars
  • 99 Installations
  • PHP
  • 2 Dependents
  • 0 Suggesters
  • 0 Forks
  • 0 Open issues
  • 17 Versions
  • 0 % Grown

The Versions

22/06 2018
21/06 2018



Drupal 7 standard profile provided by ec-europa/platform-dev

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The Requires


The Development Requires

  • drupal/admin_menu 3.0.0-rc5
  • drupal/administration_language_negotiation 1.4.0
  • drupal/advagg 2.16.0
  • drupal/advanced_help 1.3.0
  • drupal/apachesolr 1.8.0
  • drupal/apachesolr_attachments 1.4.0
  • drupal/apachesolr_multilingual 1.3.0
  • drupal/apachesolr_multisitesearch 1.1.0
  • drupal/autosave 2.2.0
  • drupal/bean 1.11.0
  • drupal/better_exposed_filters 3.5.0
  • drupal/better_formats 1.0.0-beta1
  • drupal/bootstrap_gallery 3.1.0
  • drupal/bounce 1.7.0
  • drupal/captcha 1.5.0
  • drupal/cdn 2.9.0
  • drupal/chosen 2.0.0-beta4
  • drupal/chr 1.8.0
  • drupal/ckeditor_link 2.3.0
  • drupal/ckeditor_lite 1.0.0-rc3
  • drupal/coffee 2.3.0
  • drupal/collapse_text 2.4.0
  • drupal/colorbox 2.10.0
  • drupal/colors 1.0.0-rc1
  • drupal/context 3.7.0
  • drupal/context_entity_field 1.1.0
  • drupal/context_og 2.1.0
  • drupal/ctools 1.11.0
  • drupal/customerror 1.4.0
  • drupal/date 2.9.0
  • drupal/date_ical 3.9.0
  • drupal/diff 3.2.0
  • drupal/ds 2.15.0
  • drupal/easy_breadcrumb 2.12.0
  • drupal/email 1.3.0
  • drupal/entity 1.9.0
  • drupal/entity_translation 1.x-dev#edd540b2e1180db45ad1cea14843daa19e13878a
  • drupal/entitycache 1.2.0
  • drupal/entityreference 1.x-dev#599b07585d37101bc7b38c9df5b2ef196a7416b2
  • drupal/entityreference_prepopulate 1.5.0
  • drupal/eu_cookie_compliance 1.14.0
  • drupal/extlink 1.18.0
  • drupal/facetapi 1.5.0
  • drupal/fast_404 1.5.0
  • drupal/fblikebutton 2.6.0
  • drupal/features 2.10.0
  • drupal/feature_set 1.3.0
  • drupal/feeds 2.0.0-beta3
  • drupal/feeds_tamper 1.1.0
  • drupal/feeds_xpathparser 1.1.0
  • drupal/field_collection 1.0.0-beta10
  • drupal/field_group 1.5.0
  • drupal/file_entity 2.4.0
  • drupal/filefield_sources 1.11.0
  • drupal/filefield_sources_plupload 1.1.0
  • drupal/flag 3.9.0
  • drupal/flexslider 2.0.0-rc1
  • drupal/flexslider_views_slideshow 1.x-dev#0b1f8e7e24c168d1820ccded63c319327d57a97e
  • drupal/fpa 2.6.0
  • drupal/freepager 1.x-dev#c11c40f6e3e54ff728515589600a0d8e26d831f1
  • drupal/fullcalendar 2.0.0
  • drupal/geofield 2.3.0
  • drupal/geophp 1.x-dev#2777c5e
  • drupal/hidden_captcha 1.0.0
  • drupal/i18n 1.13.0
  • drupal/i18nviews 3.0.0-alpha1
  • drupal/inline_entity_form 1.8.0
  • drupal/integration 1.x-dev#fb3cf87
  • drupal/integration_couchdb 1.x-dev#dcadb1ea483cbdaa7f476f7e0e8530873f484616
  • drupal/job_scheduler 2.0.0-alpha3
  • drupal/jplayer 2.0.0-beta1
  • drupal/jqmulti 1.0.0
  • drupal/jquery_update 2.7.0
  • drupal/l10n_update 2.0.0
  • drupal/language_cookie 1.9.0
  • drupal/libraries 2.3.0
  • drupal/link 1.4.0
  • drupal/linkchecker 1.2.0
  • drupal/mail_edit 1.1.0
  • drupal/mailsystem 2.34.0
  • drupal/maxlength 3.2.0-beta2
  • drupal/media 2.8.0
  • drupal/media_avportal 1.2.0
  • drupal/media_crop 1.4.0
  • drupal/media_dailymotion 1.1.0
  • drupal/media_flickr 2.0.0-alpha4
  • drupal/media_node 1.0.0-rc2
  • drupal/media_vimeo 2.1.0
  • drupal/media_youtube 3.4.0
  • drupal/media_colorbox 1.0.0-rc4
  • drupal/menu_attributes 1.0.0
  • drupal/menu_block 2.7.0
  • drupal/menu_token 1.x-dev#27ab9f244d7813803cfa662d05ffc1747d758956
  • drupal/message 1.10.0
  • drupal/metatag 1.22.0
  • drupal/migrate 2.x-dev#046c6ad
  • drupal/mimemail 1.0.0-beta4
  • drupal/nagios 1.x-dev#7da732e2d4943ec5368243f4cd2e33eb02769f23
  • drupal/og 2.9.0
  • drupal/og_linkchecker 1.x-dev#7257d0e
  • drupal/om_maximenu 1.44.0
  • drupal/password_policy 2.0.0-alpha5
  • drupal/pathauto 1.3.0
  • drupal/pathauto_persist 1.4.0
  • drupal/piwik 2.9.0
  • drupal/plupload 1.x-dev#bba974c6f3224346a1acae4181a700b55129e6e1
  • drupal/print 2.0.0
  • drupal/quicktabs 3.8.0
  • drupal/rate 1.7.0
  • drupal/realname 1.3.0
  • drupal/registration 1.6.0
  • drupal/registry_autoload 1.3.0
  • drupal/rules 2.9.0
  • drupal/scheduler 1.3.0
  • drupal/scheduler_workbench 1.3.0
  • drupal/select_or_other 2.22.0
  • drupal/simplenews 1.1.0
  • drupal/simplenews_statistics 1.0.0-alpha1
  • drupal/site_map 1.3.0
  • drupal/smart_trim 1.5.0
  • drupal/strongarm 2.0.0
  • drupal/subscriptions 1.1.0
  • drupal/tagclouds 1.11.0
  • drupal/term_reference_tree 1.11.0
  • drupal/title 1.x-dev#8119fa2
  • drupal/tmgmt 1.0.0-rc2
  • drupal/token 1.7.0
  • drupal/token_filter 1.1.0
  • drupal/translation_overview 2.0.0-beta1
  • drupal/translation_table 1.0.0-beta1
  • drupal/transliteration 3.2.0
  • drupal/tweetbutton 2.0.0-beta1
  • drupal/user_dashboard 1.4.0
  • drupal/user_field_privacy 1.2.0
  • drupal/username_enumeration_prevention 1.2.0
  • drupal/uuid 1.0.0-beta2
  • drupal/variable 2.5.0
  • drupal/video 2.11.0
  • drupal/views 3.18.0
  • drupal/views_ajax_history 1.0.0
  • drupal/views_bootstrap 3.1.0
  • drupal/views_bulk_operations 3.3.0
  • drupal/views_data_export 3.2.0
  • drupal/views_datasource 1.0.0-alpha2
  • drupal/views_geojson 1.0.0-beta3
  • drupal/views_litepager 3.0.0
  • drupal/views_slideshow 3.1.0
  • drupal/views_slideshow_slider 3.0.0
  • drupal/votingapi 2.12.0
  • drupal/webform 4.16.0
  • drupal/webform_rules 1.6.0
  • drupal/workbench 1.2.0
  • drupal/workbench_access 1.4.0
  • drupal/workbench_email 3.6.0
  • drupal/drafty 1.0.0-rc1
  • drupal/workbench_moderation 3.0.0
  • drupal/workbench_og 2.0.0-beta1
  • drupal/wysiwyg 2.2.0
  • drupal/xml_field 2.2.0
  • drupal/xmlsitemap 2.3.0
  • drupal/atomium 2.8.0

02/06 2018
02/06 2018



Release of Drupal 7 profile provided by ec-europa/platform-dev

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The Requires


02/06 2018
02/06 2018
09/02 2018
09/02 2018
09/02 2018



Release of Drupal 7 profile provided by ec-europa/platform-dev

  Sources   Download

The Requires


09/02 2018
09/02 2018