SN pnt class adder
8.2.17, (*1)
So there is a bit of sloppiness here in regards to getting the nid of the webform in the pnt.module file., (*2)
As I type this I am wondering if I am looking for the wrong item., (*3)
Maybe it shouldn't be the nid, because of revisions. Maybe I should be looking at the form_id., (*4)
Back to the drawing board...., (*5)
7.31.17, (*6)
First day for the 100th aniversary for the Battle of Passchendaele, and here I am pushing my first D8 module. It isn't much, and is about half down, but wanted to get it up for review., (*7)
Basically it adds a custom class to specific webforms for event tracking., (*8)
There is some error messaging I need to fix after I make the hook_form_alter() dynamic to the choices from the admin page., (*9)
8.1.17 Made it dynamic, but not the way I like. Need a way to see the nid of the webform that is rendering, but not getting it from the url or menu_object(), (*10)
I saw where: $entities = []; foreach (\Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameters() as $param) { if ($param instanceof \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface) { $entities[] = $param; } }, (*11)
But this is taking it from the route, which I did not wish to., (*12)
Open to ideas!, (*13)
I guess a way around this is to save the webform id instead of the nid, and match that way..., (*14)