2017 © Pedro Peláez

zf2-module doctrine-fixtures-module

Zend Framework 2 integration with the Doctrine Fixtures library



Zend Framework 2 integration with the Doctrine Fixtures library

  • Friday, July 26, 2013
  • by jchampion
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EwgoDoctrineFixtures module


The EwgoDoctrineFixtures module provides ZF2 integration with the Doctrine Fixtures library., (*1)


``` bash $ php composer.phar require ewgo/doctrine-fixtures-module, (*2)

Add "EwgoDoctrineFixtures" to the list of loaded modules. ## Configuration Add the paths to the fixtures in your modules configuration ``` php array( 'doctrinefixtures' => array( 'paths' => array( 'MyModule' => __DIR__ . '/../src/MyModule/DataFixtures/ORM' ) ) )


Create your fixture classes.
You can implement Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface in order to use the ServiceManager in your fixture class.
You can also directly extend EwgoDoctrineFixtures\Fixture\ServiceLocatorAwareAbstractFixture in order to get the benefits of both ServiceLocatorAwareInterface and AbstractFixture., (*3)

``` php namespace MyModule\DataFixtures\ORM;, (*4)

use EwgoDoctrineFixtures\Fixture\ServiceLocatorAwareAbstractFixture; use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager; use MyModule\Entity\User;, (*5)

class LoadUserData extends ServiceLocatorAwareAbstractFixture { public function load(ObjectManager $manager) { // Encode the password any way you want $password = $this->serviceLocator->get('MySuperEncoder')->encode('myAwesomePassword');, (*6)

    $user = new User();


}, (*7)

``` bash $ vendor/bin/doctrine-module fixtures:load

See the help (--help) for options., (*8)

For more information see the Doctrine Fixtures documentation., (*9)

The Versions

26/07 2013



Zend Framework 2 integration with the Doctrine Fixtures library

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The Requires


zf2 doctrine fixtures