2017 © Pedro Peláez

library zf-simple-migrations

Module for database migrations management.



Module for database migrations management.

  • Friday, January 19, 2018
  • by zored
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  • 1 Watchers
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  • 1 Installations
  • PHP
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  • 5 Versions
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Simple Migrations for Zend Framework 2. Project originally based on ZendDbMigrations but module author did not response for issues and pull-requests so fork became independent project., (*1)

Supported Drivers

The following DB adapter drivers are supported by this module., (*2)

  • Pdo_Sqlite
  • Pdo_Mysql
  • Mysqli only if you configure the driver options with 'buffer_results' => true


Using composer

php composer.phar require vgarvardt/zf-simple-migrations:dev-master
php composer.phar update

add ZfSimpleMigrations to the modules array in application.config.php, (*3)


Available commands

  • migration version [<name>] - show last applied migration (name specifies a configured migration)
  • migration list [<name>] [--all] - list available migrations (all includes applied migrations)
  • migration apply [<name>] [<version>] [--force] [--down] [--fake] - apply or rollback migration
  • migration generate [<name>] - generate migration skeleton class

Migration classes are stored in /path/to/project/migrations/ dir by default., (*4)

Generic migration class has name Version<YmdHis> and implement ZfSimpleMigrations\Library\MigrationInterface., (*5)

Migration class example

``` php <?php, (*6)

namespace ZfSimpleMigrations\Migrations;, (*7)

use ZfSimpleMigrations\Library\AbstractMigration; use Zend\Db\Metadata\MetadataInterface;, (*8)

class Version20130403165433 extends AbstractMigration { public static $description = "Migration description";, (*9)

public function up(MetadataInterface $schema)
    //$this->addSql(/*Sql instruction*/);

public function down(MetadataInterface $schema)
    //$this->addSql(/*Sql instruction*/);

}, (*10)

#### Multi-statement sql While this module supports execution of multiple SQL statements it does not have way to detect if any other statement than the first contained an error. It is *highly* recommended you only provide single SQL statements to `addSql` at a time. I.e instead of

$this->addSql('SELECT NOW(); SELECT NOW(); SELECT NOW();');, (*11)

You should use

$this->addSql('SELECT NOW();'); $this->addSql('SELECT NOW();'); $this->addSql('SELECT NOW();');, (*12)

### Accessing ServiceLocator In Migration Class By implementing the `Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface` in your migration class you get access to the ServiceLocator used in the application. ``` php <?php namespace ZfSimpleMigrations\Migrations; use ZfSimpleMigrations\Library\AbstractMigration; use Zend\Db\Metadata\MetadataInterface; use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface; use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareTrait; class Version20130403165433 extends AbstractMigration implements ServiceLocatorAwareInterface { use ServiceLocatorAwareTrait; public static $description = "Migration description"; public function up(MetadataInterface $schema) { //$this->getServiceLocator()->get(/*Get service by alias*/); //$this->addSql(/*Sql instruction*/); } public function down(MetadataInterface $schema) { //$this->getServiceLocator()->get(/*Get service by alias*/); //$this->addSql(/*Sql instruction*/); } }

Accessing Zend Db Adapter In Migration Class

By implementing the Zend\Db\Adapter\AdapterAwareInterface in your migration class you get access to the Db Adapter configured for the migration., (*13)


namespace ZfSimpleMigrations\Migrations;

use Zend\Db\Adapter\AdapterAwareInterface;
use Zend\Db\Adapter\AdapterAwareTrait;
use Zend\Db\Sql\Ddl\Column\Integer;
use Zend\Db\Sql\Ddl\Column\Varchar;
use Zend\Db\Sql\Ddl\Constraint\PrimaryKey;
use Zend\Db\Sql\Ddl\CreateTable;
use Zend\Db\Sql\Ddl\DropTable;
use ZfSimpleMigrations\Library\AbstractMigration;
use Zend\Db\Metadata\MetadataInterface;

class Version20150524162247 extends AbstractMigration implements AdapterAwareInterface
    use AdapterAwareTrait;

    public static $description = "Migration description";

    public function up(MetadataInterface $schema)
        $table = new CreateTable('my_table');
        $table->addColumn(new Integer('id', false));
        $table->addConstraint(new PrimaryKey('id'));
        $table->addColumn(new Varchar('my_column', 64));

    public function down(MetadataInterface $schema)
        $drop = new DropTable('my_table');


User Configuration

The top-level key used to configure this module is migrations., (*14)

Migration Configurations: Migrations Name

Each key under migrations is a migrations configuration, and the value is an array with one or more of the following keys., (*15)

Sub-key: dir

The path to the directory where migration files are stored. Defaults to ./migrations in the project root dir., (*16)

Sub-key: namespace

The class namespace that migration classes will be generated with. Defaults to ZfSimpleMigrations\Migrations., (*17)

Sub-key: show_log (optional)

Flag to log output of the migration. Defaults to true., (*18)

Sub-key: adapter (optional)

The service alias that will be used to fetch a Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter from the service manager., (*19)

User configuration example:

'migrations' => array(
    'default' => array(
            'dir' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../migrations-app',
            'namespace' => 'App\Migrations',    
    'albums' => array(
            'dir' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../migrations-albums',
            'namespace' => 'Albums\Migrations',
            'adapter' => 'AlbumDb'    

The Versions

19/01 2018


9999999-dev https://github.com/vgarvardt/ZfSimpleMigrations

Module for database migrations management.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

database migrations zf2 db

19/01 2018

0.2.1 https://github.com/vgarvardt/ZfSimpleMigrations

Module for database migrations management.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

database migrations zf2 db

23/11 2017

0.2.0 https://github.com/vgarvardt/ZfSimpleMigrations

Module for database migrations management.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

database migrations zf2 db

23/11 2017


dev-feature/zf3 https://github.com/vgarvardt/ZfSimpleMigrations

Module for database migrations management.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

database migrations zf2 db

10/09 2014

0.1.0 https://github.com/vgarvardt/ZfSimpleMigrations

Module for database migrations management.

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The Requires


database migrations zf2 db