add in app.config, (*1)
return array( 'providers'=>array( ... ... 'Witooh\Message\MessageServiceProvider', ), 'alias'=>array( ''' ... 'Message' => 'Witooh\Message\Facades\Message', ), );
Message will generate json message data, (*2)
public function getIndex(){ return Response::json(Message::success($data, $header); }
The response will be like this, (*3)
{ header:{ status: 200, message: 'success' }, body:[ {id: 1, name: 'test1'}, {id: 2, nmae: 'test2'} ] }
Thow Error Exception to Json Response, (*4)
public function testExceptioons() { throw new PermissionException(Message::permission($message)); throw new AuthenticateException(Message::auth($message)); throw new NoutFoundException(Message::notfound($message)); throw new ValidationException(Message::validation($errors)); }