add in app.config, (*1)
return array( 'providers'=>array( ... ... 'Witooh\GridDataprovider\GridDataproviderServiceProvider', ), 'alias'=>array( ''' ... 'JqGrid' => 'Witooh\GridDataprovider\Facades\JqGrid', ), );
There are 2 classes have to use - Criteria - JqGrid, (*2)
Example, (*3)
public function dataProvider() { //Create new Criteria with table name $criteria = new Criteria('Post'); //If title is not empty, it will generate sql where (AND) condition $criteria->compare('title', Input::get('title')); //If content is not empty, it will generate sql where (OR) condition $criteria->orCompare('title', Input::get('content')); //use Laravel Query Builder $criteria->query->leftJoin('comment', 'comment.post_id', '=', 'post.id'); //make the JqGrid dataprovider //Dont care of the parameter which jqgrid send to the sever //This class will detected Input by itself. //Frist param is the criteria object //Second param is primary_key for jqgrid default is 'id' //return data array return JqGrid::make($criteria, 'post.id'); }