2017 © Pedro Peláez

library numeral-blade



  • Monday, January 22, 2018
  • by collegeman
  • Repository
  • 1 Watchers
  • 1 Stars
  • 197 Installations
  • PHP
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  • 3 Versions
  • 31 % Grown


@numeral directive for Laravel Blade

This Laravel 5 package adds a blade directive named @numeral, which you can use to process numbers into a variety of formats., (*1)

Here's a quick example:, (*2)

@numeral(10000.23, '+0,0')

@numeral(233434, '0a.00')

This directive is just an alias for stillat/numeral.php by JohnathanKoster, which itself is a port of numeraljs., (*3)

It's dependencies all the way down!, (*4)


You can also use Numeral via the Numeral facade. Just add it to your aliases list in config/app.php:, (*5)

'aliases' => [

  'Numeral' => FatPanda\Blade\Numeral\Facade::class


Then, you'll be able to invoke Numeral::format($number, $format) anywhere you please., (*6)


This project is unlikely to get a lot of my focus., (*7)

If you find a problem, please fix it and issue a pull request., (*8)


I'd love to see someone spend the time to create a configuration file. I don't have time, and probably won't ever need one., (*9)

The Versions