wFirma API
High level implementation of wFirma API. Provides object oriented SDK to operate on the most of wFirma modules., (*1)
Use composer:, (*2)
composer require webit/w-firma-api
The current version of the package provides full support for the following modules:, (*3)
This is not needed if you use AnnotationRegistry 2.0., (*4)
use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry;
$loader = include __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php'; // composer's autoload.php
AnnotationRegistry::registerLoader(array($loader, 'loadClass'));
The library supports:
* ApiKeysAuth
* BasicAuth
(deprecated), (*5)
use Webit\WFirmaSDK\Auth\ApiKeysAuth;
$auth = new ApiKeysAuth('your-access-key', 'your-secret-key', 'your-app-key', $companyId = 1123); // $companyId is optional
To get your API Keys follow the official documentation:, (*6)
BasicAuth (deprecated)
This method will not be supported anymore by wFirma., (*7)
use Webit\WFirmaSDK\Auth\BasicAuth;
$auth = new BasicAuth('your-user-name', 'your-password', $companyId = 1123); // $companyId is optional
In order to create API for given module use ModuleApiFactory., (*8)
use Webit\WFirmaSDK\Entity\ModuleApiFactory;
use Webit\WFirmaSDK\Entity\EntityApiFactory;
$entityApiFactory = new EntityApiFactory();
$entityApi = $entityApiFactory->create($auth);
$apiFactory = new ModuleApiFactory($entityApi);
Module APIs
Every main module has it's own instance of the API exposing supported methods., (*9)
Company Accounts: find, findAll, get, count,
Contractors: add, edit, delete, find, findAll, get, count
Declaration Countries: find, findAll, get, count
Goods: add, edit, delete, find, get
Invoice Deliveries: add, delete, find, findAll, get, count
Invoice Descriptions: find, findAll, get, count
Invoices: add, edit, delete, find, findAll, get, count, fiscalise, unfiscalise, download, send
Payments: add, edit, delete, find, findAll, get
Notes: add, edit, delete, find, findAll, get, count
Series: add, edit, delete, find, findAll, get, count
Tags: add, edit, delete, find, findAll, get, count
TranslationLanguages: find, findAll, get, count
VatCodes: find, findAll, get, count
Find / FindAll / Count APIs
APIs exposing find / findAll / count method takes and optional Parameters argument., (*10)
use Webit\WFirmaSDK\Entity\Parameters\Parameters;
use Webit\WFirmaSDK\Entity\Parameters\Conditions;
use Webit\WFirmaSDK\Entity\Parameters\Order;
use Webit\WFirmaSDK\Entity\Parameters\Pagination;
use Webit\WFirmaSDK\Entity\Parameters\Fields;
$parameters = Parameters::findParameters(
Conditions::eq('name', 'FA/'),
Conditions::gt('id', '20')
Order::ascending("name")->thenDescending("created"), // optional - ordering
Pagination::create(20, 2), // optional - limit, page no
Fields::fromArray(["id", "name"]) // optional - subset of fields to select
$seriesApi = $apiFactory->seriesApi();
$series = $seriesApi->find($parameters); // returns array of 20 Series (page 2)
// returns EntityIterator, allows to iterate over all the matching Series loaded in batches of 20
$series = $seriesApi->findAll($parameters);
* @var int $i
* @var \Webit\WFirmaSDK\Series\Series $seriesItem */
foreach ($series as $i => $seriesItem) {
// do some stuff on ALL the matching elements
$seriesCount = $seriesApi->count($parameters); // return number of matching series
use Webit\WFirmaSDK\Contractors\Contractor;
use Webit\WFirmaSDK\Contractors\InvoiceAddress;
use Webit\WFirmaSDK\Invoices\InvoicesContent;
use Webit\WFirmaSDK\Goods\GoodId;
use Webit\WFirmaSDK\Invoices\Payment;
use Webit\WFirmaSDK\Payments\PaymentMethod;
/** @var \Webit\WFirmaSDK\Invoices\InvoicesApi $api */
$api = $apiFactory->invoicesApi();
// add a new invoice
$invoice = \Webit\WFirmaSDK\Invoices\Invoice::forContractor(
new Contractor(
'client name',
'alt name',
'1234565432', // vat no
null, // regon
new InvoiceAddress(
'ul. Mokra 12',
'some stuff',
$invoice = $api->add($invoice);
// get invoice by id
$invoice = $api->get(\Webit\WFirmaSDK\Invoices\InvoiceId::create(123));
// edit the invoice
$invoice->payment()->withPaymentDate(new \DateTime())
// do some more edits
$invoice = $api->edit($invoice);
// delete the invoice
use Webit\WFirmaSDK\Contractors\Contractor;
/** @var \Webit\WFirmaSDK\Contractors\ContractorsApi $api */
$api = $apiFactory->contractorsApi($auth);
// add a new contractor
$contractor = new Contractor('my-new-contractor');
$contractor = $api->add($contractor);
// edit the contractor
$contractor->rename('new name', 'new alt name');
$contractor = $api->edit($contractor);
// delete the contractor
// get contractor by id
$contractor = $api->get(\Webit\WFirmaSDK\Contractors\ContractorId::create(123));
Further development
Feel free to add any other modules support., (*11)
Getting VatCodeId from VAT Rate code by VatCodeIdRepository
With custom static map provided
use Webit\WFirmaSDK\Vat\Repository\VatCodeIdRepositoryFactory;
$repository = VatCodeIdRepositoryFactory::createWithMap(
['23' => 222, '8' => 223] // provide your static ID mapping
$repository->getByCode('23'); // returns new VatCodeId(222);
With cached map provided by API
Please note you need to add psr/simple-cache-implementation
to your composer.json
We suggest symfony/cache
in the example below., (*12)
use Webit\WFirmaSDK\Vat\Repository\VatCodeIdRepositoryFactory;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Psr16Cache;
$repository = VatCodeIdRepositoryFactory::createWithApi(
$api = $apiFactory->vatCodesApi(),
new Psr16Cache(new FilesystemAdapter()) // use cache adapter of your choice (no cache by default)
$repository->getByCode('23'); // returns new VatCodeId(222);
cp phpunit.xml.dist phpunit.xml
vim phpunit.xml // edit your username and password
docker-compose run --rm composer
docker-compose run --rm phpunit