2017 © Pedro Peláez

library api-extension

Behat extension for API Platform



Behat extension for API Platform

  • Tuesday, July 17, 2018
  • by vincentchalamon
  • Repository
  • 1 Watchers
  • 8 Stars
  • 473 Installations
  • PHP
  • 0 Dependents
  • 0 Suggesters
  • 2 Forks
  • 0 Open issues
  • 2 Versions
  • 311 % Grown



Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Code Coverage, (*1)

This Behat extension requires following extensions, check their documentations for installation & usage: * Symfony2Extension * Behatch * MinkExtension, (*2)

This extension is just a shortcut to write some steps, it doesn't replace your custom steps. For instance, if you want to test that updating a user updates its password, you still need to add a customer step like And the user password has been successfully updated., (*3)


composer require --dev vincentchalamon/api-extension

Declare required extensions in your Behat configuration:, (*4)

# behat.yml.dist
    # ...
                - Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext
                - Behatch\Context\RestContext
                - Behatch\Context\JsonContext
                - ApiExtension\Context\ApiContext
                - ApiExtension\Context\FixturesContext
                bootstrap: features/bootstrap/bootstrap.php
                class: App\Kernel
            base_url: 'http://www.example.com/'
                    symfony2: ~
        Behatch\Extension: ~
        # ...
        ApiExtension: ~

Using custom guessers for populator

# behat.yml.dist
    # ...
        # ...
              - App\Populator\Guesser\AcustomGuesser
              - App\Populator\Guesser\AnotherCustomGuesser

Usage with Symfony FrameworkBundle < 4.1

Running with Symfony FrameworkBundle < 4.1, you need to override some private services:, (*5)

# config/services_test.yaml

# Hack for Behat: allow to inject some private services
        parent: property_info
        public: true
        parent: api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_factory.annotation
        public: true
        parent: api_platform.iri_converter
        public: true
        parent: annotation_reader
        public: true
        parent: router
        public: true
# behat.yml.dist
    # ...
        # ...
                metadataFactory: '@test.api_platform.metadata.resource.metadata_factory.annotation'
                iriConverter: '@test.api_platform.iri_converter'
                registry: '@doctrine'
                propertyInfo: '@test.property_info'
                annotationReader: '@test.annotation_reader'
                router: '@test.router'


FixturesContext provides the following steps: * the following <name> * there is <nb> <name> * there is a <name> * there is an <name> * there are <nb> <name> * there are <name> * there are <nb> <name> with:, (*6)

ApiContext provides the following steps: * I get a list of <name> * I get a list of <name> filtered by <filter> * I get a list of <name> ordered by <filter> * I create a <name> * I create an <name> * I create a <name> using group <serialization-group> * I create a <name> using groups <serialization-groups> * I create an <name> using group <serialization-group> * I create an <name> using groups <serialization-groups> * I create a <name> with: * I create an <name> with: * I create a <name> using group <serialization-group> with: * I create a <name> using groups <serialization-groups> with: * I create an <name> using group <serialization-group> with: * I create an <name> using groups <serialization-groups> with: * I get a <name> * I get an <name> * I get the <name> <value> * I delete a <name> * I delete an <name> * I delete the <name> <value> * I update a <name> * I update an <name> * I update the <name> <value> * I update a <name> with: * I update an <name> with: * I update the <name> <value> with: * the request is invalid * the <name> is not found * the method is not allowed * I see a <name> * I see an <name> * I see a list of <name> * I see a list of <nb> <name> * I don't see any <name> * print <name> list JSON schema * print <name> item JSON schema * print last JSON request, (*7)

Example:, (*8)

Feature: Using API-Platform, I can get, create, update & delete beers.

  Scenario: I can get a list of beers
    Given there are beers
    When I get a list of beers
    Then I see a list of beers

  Scenario: I can get a list of beers filtered by name
    Given there are beers
    When I get a list of beers filtered by name=Chouffe
    Then I don't see any beer

  Scenario: I can create a beer
    When I create a beer
    Then I see a beer

  Scenario: I can create a beer
    When I create a beer with:
      | name    |
      | Chouffe |
    Then I see a beer

  Scenario: I can update a beer
    Given there is a beer
    When I update a beer
    Then I see a beer

  Scenario: I can update a beer and fill its new name
    Given there is a beer
    When I update a beer with:
      | name    |
      | Chouffe |
    Then I see a beer

  Scenario: I can update a beer by its name
    Given the following beer:
      | name    |
      | Chouffe |
    When I update the beer Chouffe
    Then I see a beer

  Scenario: I can update a beer by its name and fill its new name
    Given the following beer:
      | name    |
      | Chouffe |
    When I update the beer Chouffe with:
      | name |
      | Kwak |
    Then I see a beer

  Scenario: I can get a beer
    Given there is a beer
    When I get a beer
    Then I see a beer

  Scenario: I can get a beer by its name
    Given the following beer:
      | name    |
      | Chouffe |
    When I get the beer Chouffe
    Then I see a beer

  Scenario: I cannot get a non-existing beer
    When I get a beer
    Then the beer is not found

  Scenario: I can delete a beer
    Given there is a beer
    When I delete a beer
    Then the beer has been successfully deleted

  Scenario: I can delete a beer by its name
    Given the following beer:
      | name    |
      | Chouffe |
    When I delete the beer Chouffe
    Then the beer has been successfully deleted

Add faker provider

To use a custom faker provider from fzaninotto/Faker, update your Behat configuration as following:, (*9)

# behat.yml.dist
    # ...
        # ...
            # ...
                - App\Faker\Provider\MiscellaneousProvider

The Versions