PHP Unit Test Generator (in progress, not ready...)
, (*1)
With UnittestGenerator is possible create some part of file, but not all, beacue it is what must by defined by user, but i will try find some easy solution in the future, which can help with testing datatype and many methods.
+ files
+ class name
+ one method
This is version based on Phunc implementation with more classes, another version one class exist here:, (*2)
Article, (*3)
$scaninfo = new UnittestGenerator($folder_project, $folder_test, $namespace_project, $project_author);
How it works
configuration data
+ set path_source for searching php classes
+ set path_test folder for tests
+ template for unit test, (*4)
find in path_source php files and get just classes:
+ no interface
+ no abstract
+ no functions, (*5)
generate files for test content in path_test folder
show summary, (*6)