Facebook Service Provider for Silex
Silex Service Provider for loading the Facebook SDK into your apps., (*1)
, (*2)
FacebookServiceProvider uses Composer, which makes installing it dead simple., (*3)
1 -- Download Composer as per the instructions., (*4)
2 -- Add FacebookServiceProvider to the requirements of your composer.json., (*5)
"require": {
"php": "> 5.3.2",
"tobiassjosten/facebook-service-provider": "dev-master"
(See a full example of [FacebookServiceProvider's composer.json][5].), (*6)
3 -- Run ./composer.phar install
, (*7)
And that's it! You now have FacebookServiceProvider installed into your vendor directory. Inside which an autoloader file has also been created for you., (*8)
Next you need to tell the autoloader where to look for the Tobiassjosten\Silex\Provider\Facebook
namespace., (*9)
'Tobiassjosten\Silex\Provider' => __DIR__.'/vendor/tobiassjosten/facebook-service-provider/lib',
$app->register(new Tobiassjosten\Silex\Provider\FacebookServiceProvider(), array(
'facebook.app_id' => '1234567890',
'facebook.secret' => '7de6da38beb841a75f0ac5becb215f18',
Now Silex knows all it needs and you can use the Facebook SDK in your application., (*10)
$app->get('/about', function() use ($app) {
$tobias = $app['facebook']->api('/721814015');
return "Brought to you by {$tobias['name']}!";
Again because of Composer, running tests are dead simple., (*11)
$ ./composer.phar install && phpunit