PHP Library for simplifying getting and setting values in arrays or objects, (*1)
At its core, this library is composed of 3 function pairs:, (*2)
/ set
-- functions to get and set nested values in an array, object, or class given a field name using dot notation
/ setValue
-- functions to get and set values in an array, object, or class.
/ setValueByArrayPath
-- used by get
and set
to access the nested values by specifying the path in an array.
Use Composer:, (*3)
"require": {
"revinate/php-getter-setter": "~0.2"
To make things easier, include the follow use statement at the top of your files:, (*4)
use Revinate\GetterSetter as gs;
get and set
Getting a Value
$name = gs\get($data, 'name');
Getting a Value with a default
$name = gs\get($data, 'count', 0);
Setting a Value
$updatedData = gs\set($data, 'count', 42);
Here is an example unit test to give a bit more context., (*5)
public function testExampleJson() {
$json = '{"name":"example","type":"json","value":22}';
$data = json_decode($json);
$name = gs\get($data, 'name');
$missing = gs\get($data, 'missing');
$this->assertEquals('example', $name);
Differences between objects and arrays
With setValue
, an object will get updated when a field value is set. But it is different with arrays because they are immutable. Only the array returned from setValue
will have the updated fields. Watch out for ArrayObjects
, they will get updated just like normal object
s., (*6)
Example Unit Test showing difference between objects and arrays:, (*7)
public function testExampleArrayVsObject() {
$json = '{"name":"example","type":"json","value":22}';
$object = json_decode($json);
$array = (array)$object;
// The object gets updated as well
$newObject = gs\set($object, 'type', 'Object');
// Only the new array contains the update.
$newArray = gs\set($array, 'type', 'Array');
$this->assertEquals($object, $newObject);
$this->assertNotEquals($array, $newArray);
Getting and Setting Nested Values
and setPathValue
provide an easy shortcut for getting and setting nested values., (*8)
"first_name" : "Joe",
"last_name" : "Rock",
"address" : {
"street":"1 Main St.",
"city":"Little Rock",
"profession":"Stone cutter"
Example accessing:, (*9)
$json = $this->getEmployeeJsonData();
$data = json_decode($json);
$this->assertEquals('Arkansas', gs\get($data, 'address.state'));
$this->assertNull(gs\get($data, ''));
The notation is longer than $data->address->state
, but it will not blow up where this will: $data->address->zip
., (*10)
Support for Getters, Setters, Has'ers, and Is'ers.
These functions support getters, setters and magic methods use by many ORM systems like Doctrine., (*11)
Support for Magic methods like __get and __set
Example Data Class, (*12)
class MagicAccessTestClass {
protected $values = array();
function __get($name) {
return $this->values[$name];
function __isset($name) {
return isset($this->values[$name]);
function __set($name, $value) {
$this->values[$name] = $value;
Sample Usage:, (*13)
public function testMagicMethods() {
$data = new MagicAccessTestClass();
$data->first_name = 'Joe';
$data->last_name = 'Rock';
gs\set($data, 'profession', 'Stone cutter');
gs\set($data, 'address', new MagicAccessTestClass());
gs\setPathValue($data, '', 'Little Rock');
$this->assertEquals('Joe', gs\get($data, 'first_name'));
$this->assertEquals('Rock', gs\get($data, 'last_name'));
$this->assertEquals('Little Rock', gs\get($data, ''));