Immature. Do not use., (*1)
This is a no-frills simple ORM class for PHP/sqlite and MySQL. Project goals are to, (*2)
- provide ORM functionality
- be as simple and small as possible
- be clean.
It is not a goal to be compatible with other DBMS than sqlite and MySQL (at the moment) or to implement feature X that
other ORM Y already has. It might not even fit into the traditional ORM paradigm., (*3)
German Web Application Developer Available for Hire!
No marketing skills whatsoever, but low rates, nearly 20 years of experience, and german work attitude., (*4)
Get in touch now:, (*5)
, (*6)
PHP 5.3 + php-sqlite, (*7)
Me:, (*8)
- I am available for hire
GPL v3 or commercial licence :) from Do not use this in your closed source project
without paying me. I don't like that., (*9)
How to use
First, SimpleOrm supports sqlite and MySQL at the moment. Secondly, SimpleOrm expects every table to have a
numeric PK and it must be given as the first field., (*10)
Set variables, (*11)
// example Sqlite memory database
$dsn = 'sqlite::memory:';
// OR: example Sqlite file database
$dsn = 'sqlite:/tmp/db.sqlite';
// OR: example MySQL database on localhost
$dsn = 'mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=testdb';
$dsn = 'mysql:unix_socket=/tmp/mysql.sock;dbname=testdb';
// For MySQL, also define user name and password. **NOT** used for Sqlite.
$user = 'root';
$pass = 'root';
// Set up DB connection
$simpleDb = SimpleDb::getInst($dsn, $user, $pass);
// You need to provide your own implementation of SimpleDbConfig (here we use SampleDbConfig)
$sampleDbConfig = SampleDbConfig::getInst($simpleDb);
// Setup will create the database and the tables according to your SampleDbConfig implementation
// Obviously you want this to execute only during installation of the app.
Provide database setup class, (*12)
This is not SimpleOrm-specific. You can do this any way you want. I would recommend a similar setup like in this
package: SampleDbConfig. The setUp() method in it creates required tables. Be sure to execute this setup only
when the database does not exist yet., (*13)
Create model class for each table. Example:, (*14)
Let's assume you have a table like this:, (*15)
"some_name" TEXT NOT null,
"bitmask" INTEGER NOT null DEFAULT (0)
Then create an appropriate model class like this:, (*16)
* Sample Model instance.
* Define correct type hinting like this:
* @method Sample findOneBy($field, $value, $fetchMode = \PDO::FETCH_OBJ)
* @method Sample[] findBy($field, $value, $fetchMode = \PDO::FETCH_OBJ)
* @method Sample[] findByQuery($query, array $values, $fetchMode = \PDO::FETCH_OBJ)
* @method Sample[] collectRecords(\PDOStatement $sth, $fetchMode = \PDO::FETCH_OBJ)
class Sample extends SimpleOrm
* Array with table fields
* @var array
protected $payload = array(
"id" => null, // first field is primary key
"some_name" => null,
"bitmask" => null
* @var string
protected static $table = 'sample';
That's it., (*17)
How to use, (*18)
There are different methods of creating new records:, (*19)
$sample = new Sample(array("some_name" => "abc", "bitmask" => 0));
$sample = Sample::getInst(array("some_name" => "abc", "bitmask" => 0));
$sample = new Sample();
$sample->set("bitmask", 0);
$sample->set("some_name", "abc");
How to retrieve records:, (*20)
$sample = Sample::getInst()->findOneBy("some_name", "abc"); // returns record of type "Sample"
print($sample->get("some_name")); // prints "abc"
$samples = Sample::getInst()->findBy("some_name", "abc"); // returns array with "Sample" items
$samples = Sample::getInst()->findBy("some_name", "abc", \PDO\FETCH_ASSOC); // returns array with "Sample" array
foreach($samples AS $sample) {
print($sample->get("some_name")); // prints "abc"
$samples = Sample::getInst()->findByQuery("SELECT * FROM sample WHERE some_name = ?", ["abc"]);
foreach($samples AS $sample) {
print($sample->get("some_name")); // prints "abc"
// apply filter
$samples = Sample::getInst()->setFilter(function($inst) {
$inst['some_name'] = $inst['some_name'] . 'x'; // apply filter to array
return $inst;
})->findByQuery("SELECT * FROM sample WHERE some_name = ?", ["abc"]);
foreach($samples AS $sample) {
print($sample->get("some_name")); // prints "abcx"
How to update and delete records:, (*21)
$sample = Sample::getInst()->findOneBy("some_name", "abc"); // returns record of type "Sample"
print($sample->get("some_name")); // prints "abc"
$sample->set("some_name", "def");
$sample->save(); // record now has value "def" for "some_name"
print($sample->get("some_name")); // prints "def"
$sample->del(); // record is deleted now.
Full example:, (*22)
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// example MySQL database on localhost
$dsn = 'mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=wordpress';
// For MySQL, also define user name and password. Not used for Sqlite.
$user = 'username';
$pass = 'password';
use \SimpleOrm\SimpleOrm;
$simpleDb = SimpleDb::getInst($dsn, $user, $pass);
// You need to provide your own implementation of SimpleDbConfig (here we use WpDbConfig)
$wpDbConfig = WpDbConfig::getInst($simpleDb);
// Setup will create the database and the tables according to your SampleDbConfig implementation
// Obviously you want this to execute only during installation of the app.
* WpUserMeta Model instance.
* Define correct type hinting like this:
* @method WpUserMeta findOneBy()
* @method WpUserMeta[] findBy()
* @method WpUserMeta[] findByQuery()
* @method WpUserMeta[] collectRecords()
class WpUserMeta extends SimpleOrm
* Array with table fields
* @var array
protected $payload = array(
'umeta_id' => null,
'user_id' => null,
'meta_key' => null,
'meta_value' => null
* @var string
protected static $table = 'wp_usermeta';
$user_metas = WpUserMeta::getInst()->findBy("meta_key", "description"); // returns array with "WpUserMeta" items
foreach ($user_metas AS $user_meta) {
Have fun., (*23)