9999999-devA webmozart/json service provider for Laravel
The Requires
The Development Requires
by Lukaserat Jonjonvi
laravel json webmozart
A webmozart/json service provider for Laravel
A webmozart/json wrapper for Laravel Framework., (*1)
Use [Composer] to install the package:, (*2)
$ composer require lukaserat/webmozart-json-laravel
I just combined the two major classes webmozart/json
has to offer, the Encoder and Decoder, for easy usage., (*3)
Just include the service provider and that's it., (*4)
// app/config/app.php 'providers' => [ '...', 'Lukaserat\WebmozartJson\JsonServiceProvider' ];
Note: Facade will be automatically registered as 'JsonHelper', (*5)
When this provider is booted, you'll gain access on helpful functions from webmozart/json
. See the example below:, (*6)
Instead of this..., (*7)
// somewhere in your application.. use Webmozart\Json\JsonEncoder; $encoder = new JsonEncoder(); // Store JSON in string $string = $encoder->encode($data); // Store JSON in file $encoder->encodeFile($data, '/path/to/file.json');
You can do it this way.., (*8)
// Store JSON in string $string = JsonHelper::encode($data); // Store JSON in file JsonHelper::encodeFile($data, '/path/to/file.json');
This is just a wrapper for Laravel. For more details about the webmozart/json
go to its github page., (*9)
A webmozart/json service provider for Laravel
laravel json webmozart