The Laravel-IndieAuth-Client package offers a simple form field that will allow users to log in to your site via indieauth., (*1)
first run composer require
to fetch the vendor libraries., (*2)
Next add it to your providers and aliases in config/app.php
., (*3)
'aliases' => [
'IndieAuth' => Inklings\IndieAuth\Helpers::class,
Adding to templates
Now you can easily add a login / logout form directly in your template, (*4)
{!! IndieAuth::login_logout_form() !!}
, (*5)
There are also login_form()
and logout_form()
functions., (*6)
You can add a logged in line, if the user is currently logged in., (*7)
@if (IndieAuth::is_logged_in())
<div>Logged In As: {!! IndieAuth::user() !!}</div>
You can customize the templates by using the vendor:publish
command, (*8)
Any results will be in session('error') or session('success');, (*9)
Look at src/Helpers.php to see all functions available under IndieAuth::, (*10)