2017 © Pedro Peláez

library phalcon-swagger

A Swagger plugin to generate API documentation for Phalcon PHP framework.



A Swagger plugin to generate API documentation for Phalcon PHP framework.

  • Sunday, April 23, 2017
  • by JuliusKoronci
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SWAGGER support for Phalcon

What it does?

This bundle/plugin parses your source code and generates swagger documentation for your API., (*1)

How does it work?

The bundle has one controller with 2 actions., (*2)

  • The first action parses your source code and returns a json
  • The second controller renders a view to display Swagger-UI

Swagger-UI uses CDN's for its assets, therefor no js or css files are included!, (*3)

Hot to install?

You can install the bundle via composer or just download the git repos and paste it into your project dir., (*4)

There are 2 important things which needs to be configured:, (*5)


You must configure 2 routes in order to get it working:, (*6)

        'class' => \Igsem\Docs\Controllers\DocsController::class,
        'methods' => [
            'get' => [
                getenv('SWAGGER_JSON_URI') => 'indexAction',
                '/docs' => 'docsAction',

The first route is the route of the json response, which swagger needs in order to render the documentation. This URL maps to a controller which scans your project for annotations., (*7)

The second route is the route where you want to be able to access the documentation., (*8)

I am using an env file for my configurations, therefore the first route is a parameter in my env file. The reason for this is that the URL for the json response needs to be registered in the DI as well., (*9)


The bundle is expecting an entry with the name swagger in your di container., (*10)

Here I am loading the configuration from an .env file:, (*11)

'swagger' => [
        'path' => APP_PATH . '/src',
        'host' => getenv('SWAGGER_HOST'),
        'schemes' => explode(',', getenv('SWAGGER_SCHEMES')),
        'basePath' => getenv('SWAGGER_BASEPATH'),
        'version' => getenv('SWAGGER_VERSION'),
        'title' => getenv('SWAGGER_TITLE'),
        'description' => getenv('SWAGGER_DESCRIPTION'),
        'email' => getenv('SWAGGER_EMAIL'),
        'jsonUri' => getenv('SWAGGER_JSON_URI'),
        'exclude' => explode(',', getenv('SWAGGER_EXCLUDE')),

And here I am registering the di:, (*12)

     * Configure Swagger
    protected function initDocs()
        /** @var PhConfig $config */
        $config = $this->diContainer->getShared('config');
            function () use ($config) {
                return $config->get('swagger')->toArray();


Now, it is up to you how you get the swagger entry into your di container. You can just go and register all the values statically., (*13)

These values are expected and mandatory: - path - a path to your source dir, which should be scanned, ideally APP_PATH. '/src' - host - your domain name e.g. my-awesome-api.com - schemes [array] - schemes which are supported e.g. http,https(this must be an array) - basePath - url base path e.g. / - version - your API version e.g. 0.0.1 - title - title of your application - description - description of your application - email - contact email - jsonUri - the url you configured for the json response e.g. /swagger-json, (*14)

These values are optional: - exclude [string|array] - a path(s) to exclude from scanning, ex. APP_PATH. '/src/path_to_exclude/' or [APP_PATH. '/src/path_to_exclude_1/', APP_PATH. '/src/path_to_exclude_2/'], (*15)


The usage is the same as with the standard Swagger library, see https://github.com/zircote/swagger-php for more info., (*16)

I am using just a basic configuration for Swagger but if you would like to extend it, use ignored folders etc. I recommend to have an annotation on your base controller like this:, (*17)

 * @SWG\Swagger(
 *     schemes={"http","https"},
 *     host="api.host.com",
 *     basePath="/",
 *     @SWG\Info(
 *         version="1.0.0",
 *         title="This is my website cool API",
 *         description="Api description...",
 *         termsOfService="",
 *         @SWG\Contact(
 *             email="contact@mysite.com"
 *         ),
 *         @SWG\License(
 *             name="Private License",
 *             url="URL to the license"
 *         )
 *     ),
 *     @SWG\ExternalDocumentation(
 *         description="Find out more about my website",
 *         url="http..."
 *     )
 * )

class BaseController

!Please note that the configuration is overwriting the annotation, therefore use this as an extend only!, (*18)

alt text, (*19)


Here is how to annotate models:, (*20)

/** * @SWG\Definition(required={"email", "name", "password"}, type="object", @SWG\Xml(name="User")) */ class User extends Model { /** * @SWG\Property(name="id", type="string", description="UUID") * @var int */ public $id; /** * @SWG\Property(name="name", type="string") * @var string */ public $name; /** * @SWG\Property(name="email", type="string") * @var string */ public $email; /** * @SWG\Property(name="password", type="string") * @var string */ public $password; }

And an example controller for login:, (*21)

     * @SWG\POST(
     *   path="/login",
     *   summary="Login",
     *   produces={"application/json"},
     *     @SWG\Parameter(
     *     in="formData",
     *     type="string",
     *     name="email",
     *     required=true,
     *     @SWG\Schema(ref="#/definitions/User")
     *   ),
     *     @SWG\Parameter(
     *     in="formData",
     *     type="string",
     *     name="password",
     *     required=true,
     *     @SWG\Schema(ref="#/definitions/User")
     *   ),
     *   @SWG\Response(
     *     response=200,
     *     description="Returns a JWT token for authorization"
     *   ),
     *   @SWG\Response(
     *     response=404,
     *     description="Not found User, Invalid password"
     *   ),
     *   @SWG\Response(
     *     response=422,
     *     description="Validation of formData failed"
     *   )
     * )
     * @return string
    public function loginAction()

alt text, (*22)

What is missing

I came up with the library quiet fast and had no time to write tests or test it on more examples. The library should work and I am using it in my projects. Everyone is free to use or modify it as he sees fit. I will be more than happy to have some pull requests :) if someone is interested., (*23)

The Versions

23/04 2017



A Swagger plugin to generate API documentation for Phalcon PHP framework.

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The Requires


by Julius Koronci

16/04 2017


A Swagger plugin to generate API documentation for Phalcon PHP framework.

  Sources   Download


The Requires


by Julius Koronci

16/04 2017


A Swagger plugin to generate API documentation for Phalcon PHP framework.

  Sources   Download


The Requires


by Julius Koronci