9999999-devPHP Screenshot Utilities
The Requires
The Development Requires
by Hugo Maugey
PHP Screenshot Utilities
This librairy provides utilities function to ease screenshot generation with different providers in order to always get a fallback in case first provider fails to generate screenshot., (*1)
Currently 3 providers are available : Manet Apercite PagePeeker, (*3)
You're welcome to suggest others providers., (*4)
Install package with composer, (*5)
composer require hugsbrugs/php-screenshot
In your PHP code, load library, (*6)
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; use Hug\Screenshot\Screenshot as Screenshot;
You first have to define 3 constants, (*7)
define('HUG_SCREENSHOT_SAVE_PATH', '/path/to/screenshots/'); define('HUG_SCREENSHOT_PROVIDERS', '/path/to/providers.json'); define('HUG_SCREENSHOT_CACHE', 'P1W');
HUG_SCREENSHOT_SAVE_PATH should be writable by webserver user, (*8)
HUG_SCREENSHOT_PROVIDERS is a json file like following, (*9)
{ "1": { "provider":"Manet", "basic_auth_user":"USERNAME", "basic_auth_pass":"PASSWORD", "scheme":"http OR https", "host":"HOSTNAME_OR_IP", "port":"PORT", "params":{ "engine":"slimerjs|phantomjs", "format":"jpg|png|gif", "width":"1024", "delay":"3000", "quality":"0.9" } }, "2":{ "provider":"Apercite" }, "3":{ "provider":"PagePeeker", "code":"YOUR_CODE", "entrypoint":"free", "size":"x", "refresh":"", "wait":"" } }
Please referer to each provider documentation for option details., (*10)
$Screenshot = new Screenshot(); $url = ''; $widths = ['1024', '768', '480']; $screenshot = $Screenshot->shot($url, $widths); error_log(print_r($screenshot, true));
with outputs, (*11)
[status] => success [message] => [images] => Array ( [1024] => [768] => [480] => ) [details] => Array
Screenshot filenames are generated with following conventions : - URL - width x height - timestamp, (*12)
phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php tests
Hugo Maugey visit my website ;), (*13)
PHP Screenshot Utilities