9999999-devLaravel packeg for API
The Requires
- php ^5.4.0|^7.0
- illuminate/support 5.*
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.*|6.*
The Development Requires
by Kuntal Gupta
Laravel packeg for API
This is a laravel package for interacting with blockchain api, (*1)
A Laravel 5 Package for working with blockchain api, (*2)
PHP 5.4+ or HHVM 3.3+, and Composer are required., (*3)
To get the latest version of blockchain api, simply run the code below in your project., (*4)
"composer require gupta/blockchain"
Once Laravel Blockchain is installed, You need to register the service provider. Open up config/app.php
and add the following to the providers
key., (*5)
Also, register the Facade like so:, (*6)
'aliases' => [ ... 'Blockchain' => Gupta\Blockchain\Facades\Blockchain::class,, ... ]
You can publish the configuration file using this command:, (*7)
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Gupta\Blockchain\BlockchainServiceProvider"
A configuration-file named blockchain.php
with default settings will be placed in your config
directory:, (*8)
You can visit this link to get your blockchain api, (*9)
Open your .env file and add the following in this format. Ensure you must have gotten your api key:, (*10)
BLOCKCHAIN_API=*********************** DEFAULT_BTC_FEE=0.0001 TRANSACTION_BTC_FEE=0.000
Add the following line to your controller use Blockchain
$rates = Blockchain::convertCurrencyToBTC('NGN' 600000);
$rates = Blockchain::getStats();
$wallet = Blockchain::createWallet($wallet_password);
$wallet = Blockchain::getWalletBalance($wallet_guid, $wallet_password);
$wallet = Blockchain::makeOutgoingPayment($wallet_guid, $amount, $wallet_password, $to_guid);
$wallet = Blockchain::listAddress($wallet_guid, $wallet_password);
$wallet = Blockchain::createNewAddress($wallet_guid, $wallet_password, $label ='');
Readme document was inpsired and tuned from one of @Unicodedeveloper. Prosper Otemuyiwa., (*11)
Please feel free to fork this package and contribute by submitting a pull request to enhance the functionalities., (*12)
Thanks! maxtee, (*13)
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information., (*14)
Laravel packeg for API