Laravel 5.6 Monolog Telegram Notification Handler.
This package will sends an message Via Telegram to a spedified group or user speicifed by the LOG_TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID
., (*1)
composer require gordonzero/monolog-telegram
Open up config/logging.php
and find the channels
key. Add the following channel to the list., (*2)
'telegram' => [
'driver' => 'custom',
'via'=> \Logger\TelegramLogger::class,
'botKey' => env('LOG_TELEGRAM_BOT_ID'),
'chatId' => env('LOG_TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID'),
Add the following information to your .env
is for the your bot key and LOG_TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID
is the chat ID for a telegram user or channel., (*3)
This package contains a blank Service Provider. This is only to let you know that the package is detected and working properly., (*4)
Side Notes
Currently it does not have any built in methods for figuring out what your CHAT_ID
is. This may come in a future version or you can check around for posts that tell you how to find this ID number., (*5)