Authorize Action
Add functionality for authorize action before executing., (*1)
Add AuthorizeAction package in your composer.json:, (*2)
"require": {
"fivelab/authorize-action": "~1.0"
Now tell composer to download the library by running the command:, (*3)
$ php composer.phar update fivelab/authorize-action
In many cases, you should check grants before executing command/code. This library add functionality for
easy declare the authorize action and verify the action before executing., (*4)
For start, you should declare the authorize action. The action should implement
:, (*5)
namespace Application\Security;
use FiveLab\Component\AuthorizeAction\Action\AuthorizeActionInterface;
* The authorize action for check grants for edit post
class EditPostAction implements AuthorizeActionInterface
* @var int
public $id;
* Constructor.
* @param int $postId
public function __construct(int $postId)
$this->id = $postId;
Secondary, you should declare the verifier for verifying this action. The verifier should implement
:, (*6)
namespace Application\Security\Verifier;
use Application\Security\EditPostAction;
use FiveLab\Component\AuthorizeAction\Action\AuthorizeActionInterface;
use FiveLab\Component\AuthorizeAction\Verifier\AuthorizeActionVerifierInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\AccessDeniedException;
class EditPostVerifier implements AuthorizeActionVerifierInterface
* {@inheritdoc}
public function supports(AuthorizeActionInterface $action, UserInterface $user): bool
return $action instanceof EditPostAction;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function verify(AuthorizeActionInterface $action, UserInterface $user): void
if (!$user->isSuperAdmin() && !$user->isCopywriter()) {
throw new AccessDeniedException();
Attention: the verifier should throw AccessDeniedException
if the action not verified., (*7)
In last step you should create the authorization checker:, (*8)
use Application\Security\Verifier\EditPostVerifier;
use FiveLab\Component\AuthorizeAction\AuthorizationChecker;
use FiveLab\Component\AuthorizeAction\Verifier\AuthorizeActionVerifierChain;
use FiveLab\Component\AuthorizeAction\UserProvider\SymfonyTokenStorageUserProvider;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorage;
$tokenStorage = new TokenStorage();
$userProvider = new SymfonyTokenStorageUserProvider($tokenStorage);
$verifierChain = new AuthorizeActionVerifierChain();
$verifierChain->add(new EditPostVerifier());
$authorizationChecker = new AuthorizationChecker($verifierChain, $userProvider);
Great! After creating the checker you can check right for executing action:, (*9)
$authorizationChecker->verify(new EditPostAction($postId));
Attention: If the action not verified (not granted) the authorization check throws AccessDeniedException
., (*10)
This library is under the MIT license. See the complete license in library, (*11)
Reporting an issue or a feature request
Issues and feature requests are tracked in the Github issue tracker., (*12)
Thanks to everyone participating in the development of this AuthorizeAction library!, (*13)