2017 © Pedro Peláez

library activity_log

This library can be used to log the activities or requests to track later.



This library can be used to log the activities or requests to track later.

  • Thursday, August 17, 2017
  • by EyepaxPrasanna
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  • PHP
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, (*1)

ActivityLog - An activity tracker for Laravel

This library can be used to log the activities or requests to track later.

Eyepax IT Consulting (Pvt) Ltd , (*2)

Quick start

Install with composer., (*3)

composer require "eyepax/activity_log:dev-master"

php artisan vendor:publish

php artisan migrate

Now, a table should have been created named "trn_activity_log". This is where all the activities are logged. Also, a config file named "activity_log.php" will also be created inside config/ folder. You can add activities as key value pair, to identify the activity by ID later. Because, in the table, we store only the activity ID., (*4)

Then, add the ActivityLogServiceProvider class in the providers section in config/app.php file., (*5)


Then, add the ActivityLog Facade in the aliases section in config/app.php file., (*6)

'ActivityLog' => Eyepax\Facades\ActivityLog::class

Using the ActivityLog

This is designed to use with ease, with configurable fields. The below table explains on the fields., (*7)

# Field Description Required/Optional Default value
1 performed_user_id If there are any type of user who performed, then that specific type user ID (Ex: Member/Company) Optional 0
2 performed_user_type If there are any type of user who performed, then type ID (Ex: Member/Company) Required
3 performed_user_account_id Users table ID, who performed the action Required
4 action_user_account_id Users table ID, who receives the action Optional 0
5 action_user_id If there are any type of user who receives the effect from action, then that specific type user ID (Ex: Member/Company) Optional 0
6 action_user_type If there are any type of user who receives the effect from action, then type ID (Ex: Member/Company) Optional 0
7 action_id Activity ID (Can check activity_log.php config file) Required
8 platform_type If the application has different sections, then the specific platform type (Ex: Portal A, Portal B) Optional null
9 action_data JSON encoded array of input data Required
10 action_admin_user_id If admin performs the activity, then admin user's ID Optional null
11 api_type Whether it is admin or front end (1 - Admin, 2 - Front end) Optional 1

Add this in the top of the file, where you use ActivityLog., (*8)

use Eyepax\ActivityLog;, (*9)

Then, just add the below code, where you want to log the activity. You can add the relevant fields from the above table., (*10)

  • To add a single log entry,
ActivityLog::log(['action_data' => [
    'data' => Input::all()
  • To add multiple log entries,
    ['action_data' => ['data' => Input::all()]], 
    ['action_data' => ['data' => Input::all()]]
  • To get list of logs,
ActivityLog::getLogs($params, $page, $itemsPerPage);
$params - Array of filters. Field keys in the above table (except action_data) can be set here. Additionally, These keys can be set.
    1. "after": Datetime filed, which will give logs after the given time.
    2. "before": Datetime filed, which will give logs before the given time.

$page - Starts from 1. (Default: 1)

$itemsPerPage - Default is 20.
  • To get details of a log entry,

The Versions

17/08 2017



This library can be used to log the activities or requests to track later.

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The Requires

  • php >=5.5.9


The Development Requires