Erdiko Session Package
, (*1)
Important: This package is currently on development, please don't use it until have a beta or stable version.
Erdiko Session is a package to handle in an easy and elastic way to persistent user data through the lifetime of your application., (*2)
Official Documentation
Documentation for Erdiko Session Package can be found on the Erdiko website., (*3)
We recommend installing Erdiko Session Package with Composer. At the commandline simply run:, (*4)
composer require erdiko/session
Current Drivers Available:
- File: SessionDriverFile, (*5)
Coming Drivers in development:
- Redis: SessionDriverRedis
- Database: SessionDriverDatabase
- Cookie: SessionDriverCookie, (*6)
This package depends of Erdiko\Core, (*7)
File Path, (*8)
File format, (*9)
"default": { // Driver Source
"driver": "file", // Driver Type
"path": "/tmp",
"lifetime": 60000
Available Methods
You will find several methods that will satisfy your requirements for handling session data., (*10)
- get
- set
- has
- forget
- exists
Basic Usage
For more details please see Advance Usage Detail Page., (*11)
Set Method
Set the value on session, (*12)
Session::set('name', 'value');
Get method
Retrieves the value from the session, (*13)
Has method
Verifies if the given key exists and has a value on the session, (*14)
Exists method
Verifies if the given key exists, without verify if has or not value, (*15)
Session::set('name', 'value');
Forget method
Removes the given key from the session, (*16)
Session::set('name', 'value');
On development, (*17)
- Mauricio GastĂłn
- John Arroyo
- Leo Daidone
All Contributors, (*18)
- If you want to help, please do, we'd love more brainpower! Fork, commit your enhancements and do a pull request. If you want to get to even more involved please contact us!
Arroyo Labs, (*19)
Erdiko is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license, (*20)