9999999-dev DI-Container Checker
The Requires
debug symfony2 dic
Symfony2 DI-Container Checker
This small Library checks various aspects of a Symfony2 DI-Container., (*1)
let composer do the job:, (*2)
$ composer require digitalkaoz/container-checker
or edit your composer.json
manually:, (*3)
"require" : { "digitalkaoz/container-checker" : "*" }
You can check services or parameters of your DI-Container. Services will be checked if they could be getted from the Container. Parameters which looks like ClassNames will be checked if they can be autoloaded., (*4)
Here are a few use cases:, (*5)
Check Instanciation of all Services, (*6)
$ bin/checker.php check:services path/to/your/AppKernel.php
or with different Environments and Scopes:, (*7)
$ bin/checker.php check:services path/to/your/AppKernel.php -env=prod --scope=request
Check if all Parameters which are Class-Names can be autoloaded, (*8)
$ bin/checker.php check:parameters path/to/your/AppKernel.php
or with different Environments:, (*9)
$ bin/checker.php check:parameters path/to/your/AppKernel.php -env=prod
Nothing to see here, move along ;), (*10)
Symfony2 DI-Container Checker
debug symfony2 dic