k sequencing php
k-sequencing-php is rest library for php version., (*1)
support or question support@datawow.io
- php 5.4 or above
- Built-in libcurl support.
You can install library via Compose. Please check you have installed Composer on your machine and copy below code to your composer.json
If you don't have composer then click on the link Official website to install
- Installation Composer, (*2)
Copy below code to your composer.json, (*3)
"datawow/ksequencing-php": "dev-master"
Run composer install, (*4)
php composer.phar install
or (Global setup), (*5)
composer install
After you run composer install then you will have folder vendor/
to store your libs. Now you can load those lib via, (*6)
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/vendor/autoload.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/vendor/autoload.php';
$params = array('instruction' => 'face',
'categories' => 'face eye ear',
'data' => 'www.url-of-image.com',
'postback_url' => 'www.your-callback.url',
'multiple' => true);
$project_token = 'yourToekn';
$res = ImageChoices::create($project_token, $params);
// print_r(json_decode($s, true));
// find by id
$params = array('id' => $res["data"]["id"]);
$res = ImageChoices::get_id($project_token, $params);
// print_r(json_decode($s, true));
// list all data
$res = ImageChoices::get($project_token);
// print_r(json_decode($s, true));
Structure of response, (*7)
[data] => Array
[id] => 59dda6bb60f4f1231eff23ff
[answer] => Array
[categories] => Array
[0] => face
[1] => eye
[2] => ear
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[instruction] => face
[multiple] => 1
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] =>
[project_id] => 67
[status] => unprocess
[meta] => Array
[code] => 200
[message] => success
List of API Provider
Closed questions(Standard Criteria (5 mins response time)) - Answer can be only approved, declined or ban(kenta).
Choices(Yes or No Question from Image (30 mins response time)) - This model use to ask question with multiple choice. Anwser can be one or multiple.
Photo tags(Tag an object in the image (60 mins response time)) - This model use to create a selection area to find where answer is by drag the area on image from web page.
Messages(Message Question from Image (30 mins response time)) - This model allow moderator type the anwser on what they see.
* Predictions(Images (AI Beta / 95% accuracy)) - Use AI to prediction the result
[Yes or No Question from Image (30 mins response time)], (*8)
Get list
ImageChoices::get($project_token, $params);
Field |
Type |
Required |
Description |
page |
interger |
No |
default 0 |
per_page |
string |
No |
default 20 |
Note: You must choose id or custom_id for search. Not both., (*9)
Request, (*10)
$project_token = 'xkA4eW3ZPHD17Pj81xBY5V7Q';
$res = ImageChoices::get($project_token);
Response, (*11)
[data] => Array
[images] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 5a41b82b60f4f15943f42d31
[allow_empty] => 0
[answer] => Array
[categories] => Array
[0] => dog
[1] => pig
[2] => cat
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[instruction] => animal
[multiple] => 1
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] =>
[project_id] => 4242
[status] => unprocess
[1] => Array
[id] => 59f82b7b60f4f111eaa5f051
[allow_empty] => 0
[answer] => Array
[categories] => Array
[0] => human
[1] => animal
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[instruction] => what is it
[multiple] => 0
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] =>
[project_id] => 4242
[status] => unprocess
[meta] => Array
[code] => 200
[message] => success
[current_page] => 1
[next_page] => -1
[prev_page] => -1
[total_pages] => 1
[total_count] => 2
ImageChoices::create($project_token, $params);
Field |
Type |
Required |
Description |
instruction |
string |
Yes |
Image instruction |
categories |
Array[string] |
Yes |
Categories of answers |
data |
string |
Yes |
Data for attachment |
postback_url |
string |
No |
Image postback url |
multiple |
boolean |
No |
true for multiple answer and false for one answer |
postback_method |
string |
No |
Postback method |
custom_id |
string |
No |
Custom's id |
allow_empty |
boolean |
No |
Allow sent answer with empty choice. default is false
Note: Answer can choose only one is default. If you want answer to be multiple, you need to set multiple
to true., (*12)
Request, (*13)
$project_token = 'xkA4eW3ZPHD17Pj81xBY5V7Q';
$params = array('instruction' => 'animal',
'categories' => 'dog cat pig',
'data' => 'https://your.url/',
'postback_url' => 'https://your.url/',
'multiple' => true);
$res= ImageChoices::create($project_token, $params);
Response, (*14)
[data] => Array
[id] => 5a41bb7660f4f15943f42d32
[allow_empty] =>
[answer] => Array
[categories] => Array
[0] => dog
[1] => cat
[2] => pig
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[instruction] => face
[multiple] => 1
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] =>
[project_id] => 67
[status] => unprocess
[meta] => Array
[code] => 200
[message] => success
Find by ID
ImageChoices::get_id($project_token, $params);
Field |
Type |
Required |
Description |
id |
string |
No |
Image id |
custom_id |
string |
No |
Client's image id |
Note: You must choose id or custom_id for search. Not both., (*15)
Request, (*16)
$project_token = 'xkA4eW3ZPHD17Pj81xBY5V7Q';
$params = array('id' => '5a41bb7660f4f15943f42d32');
$res = ImageChoices::get_id($project_token, $params);
Response, (*17)
[data] => Array
[image] => Array
[id] => 5a41bb7660f4f15943f42d32
[allow_empty] =>
[answer] => Array
[categories] => Array
[0] => pig
[1] => dog
[2] => cat
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[instruction] => face
[multiple] => 1
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] =>
[project_id] => 4242
[status] => unprocess
[meta] => Array
[code] => 200
[message] => success
Closed Questions
[Standard Criteria (5 mins response time)], (*18)
Get list
ImageClosedQuestions::get($project_token, $params);
Field |
Type |
Required |
Description |
page |
interger |
No |
default 0 |
per_page |
string |
No |
default 20 |
Request, (*19)
$project_token = 'HK7eB6PHztfMZmhoeXPrRAHk';
$res= ImageClosedQuestions::get($project_token);
Response, (*20)
[data] => Array
[images] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 5a40a92560f4f15943f42d2e
[answer] =>
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] =>
[project_id] => 70
[status] => unprocess
[1] => Array
[id] => 59c8c6ba60f4f13ef59b656d
[answer] => declined
[credit_charged] => 1
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] => 2017-09-29T16:15:17.295+07:00
[project_id] => 70
[status] => processed
[meta] => Array
[code] => 200
[message] => success
[current_page] => 1
[next_page] => 1
[prev_page] => -1
[total_pages] => 1
[total_count] => 2
ImageClosedQuestions::create($project_token, $params);
Field |
Type |
Required |
Description |
data |
string |
Yes |
Data for moderate |
postback_url |
string |
No |
Image postback url |
postback_method |
string |
No |
Postback method |
custom_id |
string |
No |
Custom's id |
Request, (*21)
$params = array('data' => 'https://your.url/', 'postback_url' => 'https://your.url/');
$project_token = 'HK7eB6PHztfMZmhoeXPrRAHk';
$res= ImageClosedQuestions::create($project_token, $params);
Response, (*22)
[data] => Array
[id] => 5a41c1da60f4f15943f42d33
[answer] =>
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] =>
[project_id] => 70
[status] => unprocess
[meta] => Array
[code] => 200
[message] => success
Find by ID
ImageClosedQuestions::get_id($project_token, $params);
Field |
Type |
Required |
Description |
id |
string |
No |
Image id |
custom_id |
string |
No |
Client's image id |
Note: You must choose id or custom_id for search. Not both., (*23)
Request, (*24)
$params = array('id' => '5a41c1da60f4f15943f42d33');
$project_token = 'HK7eB6PHztfMZmhoeXPrRAHk';
$res= ImageClosedQuestions::get_id($project_token, $params);
Response, (*25)
[data] => Array
[image] => Array
[id] => 5a41c1da60f4f15943f42d33
[answer] => approved
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] => 2017-12-26T10:30:14.186+07:00
[project_id] => 70
[status] => processed
[meta] => Array
[code] => 200
[message] => success
[Message Question from Image (30 mins response time)], (*26)
Get list
ImageMessages::get($project_token, $params);
Field |
Type |
Required |
Description |
page |
interger |
No |
default 0 |
per_page |
string |
No |
default 20 |
Request, (*27)
$project_token = '3paHN4Jx2EeEERCHupPMkHzs';
$res= ImageMessages::get($project_token);
Response, (*28)
[data] => Array
[images] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 59c8c6ba60f4f13ef59b656e
[answer] =>
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[instruction] => face
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] =>
[project_id] => 71
[status] => unprocess
[1] => Array
[id] => 59c8c46260f4f13ef59b6569
[answer] =>
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[instruction] => face
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] =>
[project_id] => 71
[status] => unprocess
[meta] => Array
[code] => 200
[message] => success
[current_page] => 1
[next_page] => 1
[prev_page] => -1
[total_pages] => 1
[total_count] => 2
ImageMessages::create($project_token, $params);
Field |
Type |
Required |
Description |
instruction |
string |
Yes |
Image instruction |
data |
string |
Yes |
Data for attachment |
postback_url |
string |
No |
Image postback url |
postback_method |
string |
No |
Postback method |
custom_id |
string |
No |
Custom's id |
Request, (*29)
$params = array('instruction' => 'face',
'data' => 'https://your.url/',
'postback_url' => 'https://your.url/';
$project_token = '3paHN4Jx2EeEERCHupPMkHzs';
$res= ImageMessages::create($project_token, $params);
Response, (*30)
[data] => Array
[id] => 5a41cb4460f4f15943f42d34
[answer] =>
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[instruction] => face
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] =>
[project_id] => 71
[status] => unprocess
[meta] => Array
[code] => 200
[message] => success
Find by ID
ImageMessages::get_id($project_token, $params);
Field |
Type |
Required |
Description |
id |
string |
No |
Image id |
custom_id |
string |
No |
Client's image id |
Note: You must choose id or custom_id for search. Not both., (*31)
Request, (*32)
$params = array('id' => '5a41cb4460f4f15943f42d34');
$project_token = '3paHN4Jx2EeEERCHupPMkHzs';
$res= ImageMessages::get_id($project_token, $params);
Response, (*33)
[data] => Array
[image] => Array
[id] => 5a41cb4460f4f15943f42d34
[answer] =>
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[instruction] => face
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] =>
[project_id] => 71
[status] => unprocess
[meta] => Array
[code] => 200
[message] => success
[Tag an object in the image (60 mins response time)], (*34)
Get list
ImagePhotoTags::get_id($project_token, $params);
Field |
Type |
Required |
Description |
page |
interger |
No |
default 0 |
per_page |
string |
No |
default 20 |
Note: You must choose id or custom_id for search. Not both., (*35)
Request, (*36)
$project_token = 'ZwuaoaUHMYMHCbZh6TKUMpg7';
$res= ImageMessages::get_id($project_token);
Response, (*37)
[data] => Array
[images] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 59c8853860f4f13ef59b6538
[answer] => Array
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[instruction] => face
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] =>
[project_id] => 72
[status] => unprocess
[1] => Array
[id] => 59c8851b60f4f13ef59b6535
[answer] => Array
[0] => Array
[height] => 130
[id] => 0
[width] => 243
[x] => 345
[y] => 276
[z] => 0
[1] => Array
[height] => 0
[id] => 1
[width] => 0
[x] => 274
[y] => 264
[z] => 0
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[instruction] => face
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] => 2017-09-29T16:47:19.802+07:00
[project_id] => 72
[status] => processed
[2] => Array
[id] => 59c8752f60f4f16b4b1271ba
[answer] => Array
[0] => Array
[height] => 276
[id] => 0
[width] => 359
[x] => 241
[y] => 26
[z] => 100
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[instruction] => face
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] => 2017-09-29T16:37:35.445+07:00
[project_id] => 72
[status] => processed
[meta] => Array
[code] => 200
[message] => success
[current_page] => 1
[next_page] => 1
[prev_page] => -1
[total_pages] => 1
[total_count] => 3
ImagePhotoTags::create($project_token, $params);
Field |
Type |
Required |
Description |
instruction |
string |
Yes |
Image instruction |
data |
string |
Yes |
Data for attachment |
postback_url |
string |
No |
Image postback url |
postback_method |
string |
No |
Postback method |
custom_id |
string |
No |
Custom's id |
Request, (*38)
$params = array('instruction' => 'face',
'data' => 'https://your.url/',
'postback_url' => 'https://your.url/');
$project_token = 'ZwuaoaUHMYMHCbZh6TKUMpg7';
$res= ImagePhotoTags::create($project_token, $params);
Response, (*39)
[data] => Array
[id] => 5a41cdc660f4f15943f42d35
[answer] => Array
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[instruction] => face
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] =>
[project_id] => 72
[status] => unprocess
[meta] => Array
[code] => 200
[message] => success
Find by ID
ImagePhotoTags::get_id($project_token, $params);
Field |
Type |
Required |
Description |
id |
string |
No |
Image id |
custom_id |
string |
No |
Client's image id |
Note: You must choose id or custom_id for search. Not both., (*40)
Request, (*41)
$params = array('id' => '5a41cdc660f4f15943f42d35');
$project_token = 'ZwuaoaUHMYMHCbZh6TKUMpg7';
$res= ImagePhotoTags::get_id($project_token, $params);
Response, (*42)
[data] => Array
[image] => Array
[id] => 5a41cdc660f4f15943f42d35
[answer] => Array
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[instruction] => face
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] =>
[project_id] => 72
[status] => unprocess
[meta] => Array
[code] => 200
[message] => success
Images (AI Beta / 95% accuracy), (*43)
- [nanameue] Standard Criteria (~1 min)
- [sexual] Nudity/Sexual (~1 min)
- [demographic] Demographic (~3 mins)
- [ai_human] Standard Criteria & Human
Get list
Predictions::get($project_token, $params);
Field |
Type |
Required |
Description |
page |
interger |
No |
default 0 |
per_page |
string |
No |
default 20 |
Request, (*44)
$project_token = 'iS8rc7sam9X2puyF7QogUzVJ';
$res= Predictions::get($project_token);
Response, (*45)
[data] => Array
[images] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 5a41eb5e60f4f15943f42d3b
[answer] => human
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] => 2017-12-26T13:25:35.976+07:00
[project_id] => 78
[status] => processed
[1] => Array
[id] => 5a41eac360f4f15943f42d39
[answer] => human
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] => 2017-12-26T13:23:00.759+07:00
[project_id] => 78
[status] => processed
[meta] => Array
[code] => 200
[message] => success
[current_page] => 1
[next_page] => -1
[prev_page] => -1
[total_pages] => 1
[total_count] => 2
Predictions::create($project_token, $params);
Field |
Type |
Required |
Description |
data |
string |
Yes |
Data for attachment |
postback_url |
string |
No |
Image postback url |
custom_id |
string |
No |
Custom's id |
Request, (*46)
$params = array('data' => 'https://your.url/', 'postback_url' => 'https://your.url/');
$project_token = 'iS8rc7sam9X2puyF7QogUzVJ';
$res= Predictions::create($project_token, $params);
Response, (*47)
[data] => Array
[id] => 5a41eb5e60f4f15943f42d3b
[answer] =>
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] =>
[project_id] => 78
[status] => processing
[meta] => Array
[code] => 200
[message] => success
Find by ID
Predictions::get_id($project_token, $params);
Field |
Type |
Required |
Description |
id |
string |
No |
Image id |
custom_id |
string |
No |
Client's image id |
- You must choose id or custom_id for search. Not both.
- Image data dynamic by project token., (*48)
Request, (*49)
$params = array('id' => '5a41eb5e60f4f15943f42d3b');
$project_token = 'iS8rc7sam9X2puyF7QogUzVJ';
$res= Predictions::create($project_token, $params);
Response, (*50)
[data] => Array
[image] => Array
[id] => 5a41eb5e60f4f15943f42d3b
[answer] => human
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] => 2017-12-26T13:25:35.976+07:00
[project_id] => 78
[status] => processed
[meta] => Array
[code] => 200
[message] => success
This is a compare reponse of each type of Prediction
For each type of AI prediction will return a difference answer
field, Please make sure you understand each of structure, (*51)
[nanameue] Standard Criteria (~1 min)
response, (*52)
[data] => Array
[image] => Array
[id] => 5a42062b60f4f15943f42d42
[answer] => human
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] => 2017-12-26T15:19:57.005+07:00
[project_id] => 78
[status] => processed
[meta] => Array
[code] => 200
[message] => success
[sexual] Nudity/Sexual (~1 min)
response, (*53)
[data] => Array
[image] => Array
[id] => 5a4204da60f4f15943f42d3f
[answer] => Array
[sexual] => 0.00027116652927361
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] => 2017-12-26T15:14:19.760+07:00
[project_id] => 79
[status] => processed
[meta] => Array
[code] => 200
[message] => success
[demographic] Demographic (~3 mins)
Response, (*54)
[data] => Array
[image] => Array
[id] => 5a4206be60f4f15943f42d46
[answer] => Array
[result] => Array
[coordinates] => Array
[x_max] => 747.9999554157257
[x_min] => 0.0
[y_max] => 573.0054758787155
[y_min] => 0.0
[gender] => male
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] => 2017-12-26T15:22:37.540+07:00
[project_id] => 80
[status] => processed
[meta] => Array
[code] => 200
[message] => success
[ai_human] Standard Criteria & Human
Response, (*55)
[data] => Array
[image] => Array
[id] => 5a4207e960f4f15943f42d4a
[answer] => approved
[credit_charged] => 0
[custom_id] =>
[data] => https://your.url/
[postback_url] => https://your.url/
[processed_at] => 2017-12-26T15:27:22.972+07:00
[project_id] => 81
[status] => processed
[meta] => Array
[code] => 200
[message] => success