CDatabaseModel for ANAX-MVC
A model for database-methods, made with guidelines by (Swedish)., (*1)
Limit: $this->[your-class]->limit(1)
, (*2)
Offset: $this->[your-class]->offset(1)
, (*3)
Count all: $this->[your-class]->countAll()
, (*4)
Find all with paging support: $this->[your-class]->findAll($page, $perPage)
, (*5)
Made by Rasmus Berg,, (*6)
This software is free software and carries a MIT license., (*7)
Use of external libraries
The following external modules are excluded but will be needed for run this classes., (*8)
Anax-MVC (Get this one first)
- Github:
- Version: v2.0.x or later
- License: MIT license
- Github:
- Version: v0.1.1*
- License: MIT license
Install instructions
1. First you will need to install the other modules (if not got theim already).
2. The easiest way to install this is using composer:
Write this in your composer:, (*9)
"chp/cdatabasemodel": "dev-master"
History for CDatabaseModel for ANAX-MVC
v2.0 (2017-10-03)
* Added: Paging support to Find all method (ex. $this->users->findAll($page, $perPage)
* Added: Count all method (ex. $this->users->countAll()
* Bugfix: User object was send with properties
* Bugfix: Update method never save id, when object was send for be edit, (*10)
v1.0.1 (2017-03-09)
* Update: Remove short php-tag
* Bugfix: Fix wrong namespace, (*11)
v1.0.0 (2016-11-20), (*12)
Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Rasmus Berg,