Quality Assurance
, (*1)
See the Test Contract, (*2)
Please note that developer support for PHP5.4 & 5.5 was withdrawn at version 3.0.0 of this library.
If you need support for PHP 5.4 or 5.5, please use a version >=2,<3
, (*3)
This library aims to provide logic matrix functionality and builds on the
chippyash/Matrix matrix data structure library:, (*4)
- Everything has a test case
- It's PHP 5.4+
The current library covers basic logical matrix manipulation., (*5)
If you want more, either suggest it, or better still, fork it and provide a pull request., (*6)
Check out chippyash/Matrix for Matrix data type support., (*7)
Check out chippyash/Math-Matrix for mathematical matrix operations, (*8)
Check out ZF4 Packages for more packages, (*9)
Operations supported
- AndMatrix - return the result of two matrices ANDed
- AndOperand - return matrix ANDed with a boolean operand
- Not - return !matrix
- OrMatrix - return the result of two matrices ORed
- OrOperand - return matrix ORed with a boolean operand
- XorMatrix - return the result of two matrices XORed
- XorOperand - return matrix XORed with a boolean operand
The library is released under the GNU GPL V3 or later license, (*10)
Please see the chippyash/Matrix for underlying
functionality. Anything you can do with a Matrix, you can do with a LogicalMatrix., (*11)
Coding Basics
A LogicalMatrix is a matrix for which all entries are a boolean value; true or false, (*12)
A shortcut for a single item matrix is to supply a single array, (*13)
use chippyash\Logic\Matrix\LogicalMatrix;
$mA = new LogicalMatrix([]); //empty matrix
$mA = new LogicalMatrix([[]]); //empty matrix
$mA = new LogicalMatrix([true]); //single item matrix
$mA = new LogicalMatrix([2, false]); //1x2 matrix
$mA = new LogicalMatrix([2, false],[true, 'foo']); //2x2 matrix
N.B. A matrix construction values are converted to their boolean equivalent, so
'' = false, 'foo' = true, 1 = true, 0 = false etc, according to normal PHP casting
rules for boolean., (*14)
As with any TDD application, the tests tell you everything you need to know about
the SUT. Read them! However for the short of temper amongst us, the salient
points are:, (*15)
A Logical Matrix type is supplied, (*16)
- LogicalMatrix(array $source, bool $normalizeDefault = false)
Logical Matrices have additional attributes over and above a Matrix
- Attributes always return a boolean.
- You can use the is() method of a Matrix to test for an attribute
- Attributes implement the chippyash\Matrix\Interfaces\AttributeInterface
//assuming $mA is a LogicalMatrix - this will return true
if ($mA->is('Logical')) {}
//is the same as, which can also be used on ordinary matrices
$attr = new Logic\Matrix\Attribute\IsLogical();
if ($attr($mA) {}
Logical Matrices have operations
- Operations always returns a Logical Matrix
- The original matrix is untouched
- You can use the magic __invoke functionality
- Operations implement the chippyash\Logical\Matrix\Interfaces\OperationInterface
$mC = $mA("AndMatrix", $mB);
//same as :
$op = new Logic\Matrix\Operation\AndMatrix;
$mC = $op($mA, $mB);
The following operations are supplied:, (*17)
- AndMatrix - AND two matrices
- AndOperand - AND matrix with boolean
- Not - NOT a matrix
- OrMatrix - OR two matrices
- OrOperand - OR matrix with boolean
- XorMatrix - XOR two matrices
- XorOperand - XOR matrix with boolean
The magic invoke methods allow you to write in a functional way
$fAnd = new AndMatrix();
$fOr = new OrOperand();
//($mA && $mB) || true
return $fOr($fAnd($mA, $mB), true);
Changing the library
- fork it
- write the test
- amend it
- do a pull request
Found a bug you can't figure out?, (*18)
- fork it
- write the test
- do a pull request
NB. Make sure you rebase to HEAD before your pull request, (*19)
The library is hosted at Github. It is
available at, (*20)
Install Composer, (*21)
For production
add, (*22)
"chippyash/logical-matrix": "~2.0"
to your composer.json "requires" section, (*23)
For development
Clone this repo, and then run Composer in local repo root to pull in dependencies, (*24)
git clone LogicMatrix
cd LogicMatrix
composer update
To run the tests:, (*25)
cd LogicMatrix
vendor/bin/phpunit -c test/phpunit.xml test/
This software library is released under the BSD 3 Clause license, (*26)
This software library is Copyright (c) 2014-2018, Ashley Kitson, UK, (*27)
V0... pre releases, (*28)
V1.0.0 Original release, (*29)
V1.0.5 Update for underlying library dependency, (*30)
V1.0.6 Update phpunit version, (*31)
V2.0.0 BC Break: change namespace from chippyash to Chippyash, (*32)
V2.0.1 Add link to packages, (*33)
V2.0.2 Verify PHP7 compatibility, (*34)
V2.0.3 Update build script, (*35)
V3.0.0 BC Break. Withdraw support for old PHP versions, (*36)
V3.1.0 Change of license from GPL V3 to BSD 3 Clause, (*37)