9999999-devIntegrates Tracy Logger to your Slack
The Requires
- tracy/tracy 2.4.10
- php >=5.6.0
Integrates Tracy Logger to your Slack
Quick integration for Tracy Debugging panel for Slack., (*1)
Installation: 1. Create a webhook integration for you Slack team here: 2. Initialize TracySlackLogger, (*2)
$logger = new \BiteIT\TracySlackLogger('YOUR_HOOK_URL'); \Tracy\Debugger::$productionMode = true; \Tracy\Debugger::setLogger( $logger );
Now whenever an error or exception occures on your website, your selected Slack Channel will be notified., (*3)
If you want to customize what log priorities should be notified to your Slack Channel, use the method, (*4)
$logger->setReportingLevels( [ ILogger::INFO ] );
If you want to report ALL priorities, use an empty array for the method.
By default, the TracySlackLogger notifies ILogger::ERROR
and ILogger::EXCEPTION
errors., (*5)
If you want to enable or disable advanced information in slack message you can use these methods., (*6)
$logger->setEnabledMessageData([\BiteIT\TracySlackLogger::MESSAGE_ALL]); $logger->setDisabledMessageData(\BiteIT\TracySlackLogger::MESSAGE_IP);
If you want to add custom data to your messages, you can do so by using custom messages callback (added in v 0.5). Message will be inserted before error description., (*7)
$logger->addCustomMessageCallback(function() use ($myDependencies){ return "*Logged user*: {$myDependencies->getLoggedUser()->getName()}"; });
Integrates Tracy Logger to your Slack