, (*1)
Atlassian Stash PHP Client
PHP Client for Atlassian Stash (Bitbucket v1), (*2)
Install With Composer
"require" : {
"atlassian/stash-client" : "1.1.*"
use Atlassian\Stash\StashClient;
// Init client, user/pass is optional
$stash = new StashClient('http://git.example.com', 'user', 'password');
// returns array of Atlassian\Stash\Api\Project
$projects = $stash->getProjects();
// returns array of Atlassian\Stash\Api\Repo
$repos = $stash->getRepos('test'); // By Project Key
// returns contents of file as a string
$fileContents = $stash->getRepoFileContents($repos[0], '/someFile.txt');
Currently the client only does a handful of GETs (see above); Lots of missing methods, feel free to put in a pull request., (*3)
Reference docs: https://docs.atlassian.com/DAC/rest/stash/3.11.6/stash-rest.html, (*4)