AtalandaSignature-php provides a simple PHP class that lets you sign requests to the atalogics API and verify our callbacks., (*1)
The best way to install the library is by using Composer. Add the following to composer.json
in the root of your project:, (*2)
``` javascript { "require": { "atalanda/signature-php": "dev-master" } }, (*3)
Then, on the command line: ``` bash composer install
Use the generated vendor/autoload.php
file to autoload the library classes., (*4)
Use this to add a valid signature to the parameter hash that you send to our api. ``` php $parameters = array( "atalogics" => array() ); $token = new Atalogics\Signature\Token("[Your API key]", "[Your API secret]"); $request = new Atalogics\Signature\Request("POST", "", $parameters); $signedParameters = $request->sign($token);, (*5)
var_dump($signedParameters); /* => array(5) { 'atalogics' => array() 'auth_timestamp' => int(1391167211) 'auth_key' => string(4) "[Your API key]" 'auth_signature' => string(64) "552beac4b99949a556b120b7e5f7e22def46f663992a08f0f132ad4afee68b9f" }*/, (*6)
**Example** > POST Request to with the following JSON: ``` javascript { "atalogics": { "api_key": "5f70fd232454e5c142566dbacc3dec5", "offer_id": "33/2014-01-22/1/2014-01-22", "expected_fee": 5.59, "external_id": "AZDF-234", "url_state_update": "", "catch": { "name": "Top Fashion Shop", "street": "Schneiderstraße 20", "postal_code": "5020", "city": "Salzburg", "phone_number": "123456", "email": "" }, "drop": { "name": "Marta Musterkundin", "street": "Kaufstr. 76", "postal_code": "5020", "city": "Salzburg", "phone_number": "435236", "email": "", "extra_services": ["R18"] } } }
``` php $token = new Atalogics\Signature\Token("[Your API key]", "[Your API secret]"); $request = new Atalogics\Signature\Request("POST", "", $parameters); // parameters contains a hash representing the json above $signedParameters = $request->sign($token); // Now send a post request to our api and set the body to the json encoded version of $signed_parameters, (*7)
If you do a GET Request, you also have to sign all URL parameters. Simply include them in the parameters hash. Send the produced auth parameters along with the other URL parameters, for example: >**&auth_signature=ab332d2f&auth_timestamp=123244&auth_key=abcde** Verifying the signature of our callbacks -------------- Use this to verify the signature of our callbacks. ``` php $data = json_decode($body, true); // convert json from post body into php array $token = new Atalogics\Signature\Token("[Your API key]", "[Your API secret]"); $request = new Atalogics\Signature\Request("POST", "", $data); $signatureCheckResult = $request->authenticate($token); if($signatureCheckResult["authenticated"] === true) { // signature is valid }