Artisan command for backup Laravel application database
You can install this package via composer using:, (*1)
``` bash
composer require a2design-inc/laravel-db-backup, (*2)
Register the provider (config/app.php) for Laravel < 5.5 or if you don't use auto-discovery:
'providers' => [
* Package Service Providers...
For backup the database use next command
``` bash
php artisan db:backup, (*3)
Also you can list all existed backups (for example before restore) using next command
``` bash
php artisan db:backups-list
And for restore backup use next command
``` bash
php artisan db:restore, (*4)
By default this command will use latest backup, but you can provide filename of existed backup
``` bash
php artisan db:restore 2017-12-17.sql[.gz]
In this case using compression will be detected automatically., (*5)
The commands can, like an other command, be scheduled in Laravel's console kernel., (*6)
// app/Console/Kernel.php
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
Of course, the schedules used in the code above are just an example. Adjust them to your own preferences., (*7)
Licensed under The MIT License, (*8)
Developed by A2 Design Inc., (*9)