9999999-dev Post type utility functions by 93digital
The Requires
- php >=5.3.0
by 93digital
Custom Post type utility functions by 93digital
A PHP Class for creating WordPress Custom Post Types easily, (*1)
Run the following in your terminal to install PostTypes with Composer., (*2)
$ composer require "93digital/custom-post-type @dev"
Below is a basic example of getting started with the class, though your setup maybe different depending on how you are using composer., (*3)
false, ) ); ``` All available options are on the [WordPress Codex]( ## Add Taxonomies Adding taxonomies to a post type is easily achieved by using the taxonomy() method. ### Create new taxonomy To create a new taxonomy simply pass the taxonomy name to the taxonomy() method. Labels and the taxonomy slug are generated from the taxonomy name. ``` function $books->taxonomy( string $singular_name, string $plural, array args ); ``` #### Parameters: - *$singular* (string|required) singular name. - *$plural* (string) plural name, by default will append 's' at the singular one. - *args* (array) array of [Arguments]( #### Example ``` $books->taxonomy( 'Genre' ); ``` ### Defining names You can define the plural name by passing it as secondary parameter. - singular is the singular label for the post type - plural is the plural label for the post type - slug is the post type slug used in the permalinks ``` $books->taxonomy( 'Genre', 'Genres' ); ``` ### Adding options You can further customise taxonomies by passing an array of options as the 3rd argument to the method. ``` $options = array( 'heirarchical' => false ); $books->taxonomy( 'Genre', 'Genres', $options ); ``` All available options are on the [WordPress Codex]( ## The settings page When setting the 'has_archive' parameter to true, the class will add a sub page for the new CPT, called: _[CPT Plura] Settings_ The page can be used to add fields using ACF, and will be visible inside the *Option page* option. To retrieve the information stored inside the custom page, use: ``` get_field( '[THE OPTION SLUG]', 'cpt-[SINGULAR NAME]' ); the_field( '[THE OPTION SLUG]', 'cpt-[SINGULAR NAME]' ); ``` _the 2nd attribute is the same of the "page" one of the setting page url_ ### Example ``` get_field( 'year', 'cpt-book' ); the_field( 'year', 'cpt-book' ); ``` *By default the 'has_archive' parameter is set to true.* ## Loop the items The class has builtin methods to easily loop the custom posts, without manually calling the WP_Query class. > **Note:** For performance purpose "no_found_rows" is set to true. > If pagination is required, you need to set it to true. ### Simple loop To simple loop through the items using the default WP_Query parameters just use the variable registered before as: ```This is a simple loop
have_posts() ) : $books->the_post(); ?>, (*4)
In this example $books is the name of the variable used to register the custom post type in WP., (*5)
The following functions allows to customise the WP_Query arguments used for the Simple loop., (*6)
function get_posts( $posts_per_page = 0, $args );
// Get the first 10 books. $books->get_posts( 10 ); // Passing offset attribute. $books->get_posts( 10, array( 'offset' => 11 ) ); // If don't want to specify the post limit, just pass 0 as first parameter. $books->get_posts( 0, array( 'offset' => 11 ) );
Using with simple loop:, (*7)
$books->get_posts( 0, array( 'offset' => 11 ) ); while ( $books->have_posts() ) : $books->the_post(); ... endwhile;
If pagination is required, (*8)
$books->get_posts( 0, array( 'offset' => 11, 'no_found_rows' => true ) ); while ( $books->have_posts() ) : $books->the_post(); ... endwhile;
$books->get_posts_by_meta( string $meta_key, mixed $meta_value, string $meta_compare, int $post_limit = 0 );
For all the taxonomies registered using the built in Create new taxonomy method, is available the following virutal method:, (*9)
$books->get_posts_by_[taxonomy-slug]( string|array values );
where:, (*10)
Suppose we register the taxonomy genre for our cpt:, (*11)
$books = new PostType( 'Book' ); $books->taxonomy( 'Genre' );
now we can easily filter our posts:, (*12)
$book_cpt->get_posts_by_genre( 'horror' );
we can also pass an array of slugs if needed to filter by multiple values, (*13)
An alternative method to filter by single taxonomy is:, (*14)
$books->get_posts_by_term( string $taxonomy, string|int|array $slugs, string $field = 'slug', array $args = array() );
$books->get_posts_by_terms( array $terms, $string relation = 'AND', array $args = array() );
$books = new PostType( 'Book' ); $books->taxonomy( 'Genre' ); $books->taxonomy( 'Language' ); /** * Retrieves all the "Horror" books written in "Italian" and "German" */ $terms = array( 'genre' => 'horror', 'language' => array( 'italian', 'german' ), ); $books = $books->get_posts_by_terms( $terms );
By default posts are ordered by Title: ASC, (*15)
$books->set_order( ORDER_BY, ORDER );
Is possible to access to the last executed WP_Query object with:, (*16)
$query = $books->wp_query();
When you register a taxonomy it is automagically added to the admin edit screen as a filter and a column., (*17)
You can define what filters you want to appear by using the filters() method:, (*18)
$books->filters( array( 'genre' ) );
The class has 2 utility functions to easily add meta box for the CPT registered., (*19)
function add_meta_box( $title, $callback, $context = 'normal', $priority = 'low' );
$books->add_meta_box( 'My meta box', 'my_callback_function' ); function my_callback_function( $post ) { }
An alternative method, instead of setting $contex = 'side', to register a meta box into the sidebar is:, (*20)
function add_sidebar_meta_box( $title, $callback, $priority = 'low' );
$books->add_sidebar_meta_box( 'My meta box', 'my_callback_function' ); function my_callback_function( $post ) { }
function add( $column, $label = null, $callback = null, $position = null );
$books->columns()->add( 'genre', 'Genre', 'genre_callback', 2 ); function genre_callback( $key, $post_id ) { echo $post_id; }
/** * Add a column to hide * * @param string $column the slug of the column to hdie */ function hide( $columns )
Custom Post type utility functions by 93digital