This extension provides a "generator" for backend modules which are intended to list one or more types of records., (*1)
Initially, the extension does not do anything besides adding an empty main module entry in the module list., (*2)
To create a new "record list" you need to add the following configuration to your extension's ext_tables.php
:, (*3)
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['fbit_berecordlist']['modules']['YOUR_EXTKEY'] = [
'icon' => 'EXT:your_extkey/Resources/Public/Icons/your_module_icon.svg',
'labels' => 'LLL:EXT:your_extkey/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod_yourmodll.xlf',
'storagePid' => '(provide a single page uid as an integer here)',
'tables' => [
'tx_yourext_domain_model_name' => true,
'tx_yourext_domain_model_name2' => [
'allowedRecordTypes' => [
'(integer value of allowed record type, see the table\'s TCA type column configuration and items)'
'displayFields' => [
// Items in this array will override any preset displayFields (either set by TCA or field selection
// below the recordlist.
// You may either enter a fieldname and set it to true to simply display its column and value for each
// record or you can assign an array to the fieldname containing the item
// "displayProcFunc" => "Classname->methodname" to invoke a user-defined method which transforms the
// record's column value.
'fieldname' => true,
// The parameters passed to the displayProcFunc are: $tablename, $recordUid, $fieldname, $columnValue.
// $columnValue should be taken as a reference. It contains the (HTML) text content which is rendered
// in the record list table column row of the current record. You may use HTML in your transformed
// value. Be vigilant about UTF8 - you might have to utf8_decode your content string to avoid encoding
// issues in the output.
'fieldname2' => [
'displayProcFunc' => 'Classname->methodname',
// leave empty to use the default "fbit" main module
'mainModule' => 'your_main_module_key',
'moduleLayout' => [
'header' => [
'enabled' => true,
'menu' => [
'showOneOptionPerTable' => true,
'showOneOptionPerRecordType' => true,
'pagepath' => false,
'buttons' => [
'enabled' => true,
'left' => [
'actions-document-new' => false,
'actions-page-open' => false,
'actions-document-export-csv' => false,
'actions-document-export-t3d' => false,
// override icon using another registered icon identifier
'actions-search' => [
'icon' => 'actions-filter'
'right' => [
'actions-system-cache-clear' => false,
'actions-refresh' => false,
// the following two can not have their icon changed
'shortcut' => false,
'csh' => false,
// You MUST provide every button that will be in the buttons bar after all operations,
// including the generation of new buttons based on table or record type and the removal
// of buttons based on the settings above.
// If the deep count of button identifiers in the sorting array is not exactly equal to the
// deep count of available buttons, no sorting will be done.
// Be aware that the sorting also has to include dynamically generated buttons.
// The core provides the button "actions-document-paste-into" if a record is copied or cut,
// so make sure to Ănclude this identifier wherever you like to have the button.
'sorting' => [
'left' => [
'icon identifier or icon identifier of table or table type',
// If true, creates an identifier composed of "tcarecords-[tablename]-default", e.g. tcarecords-tx_ext_domain_model_singletyperecord-default.
'showOneNewRecordButtonPerTable' => true,
// If true, creates buttons with the identifier taken from the type item definition in the table's TCA:
// $GLOBALS['TCA'][tableName]['columns'][$GLOBALS['TCA'][tableName]['typeicon_column']]['config']['items'][itemIndex][2]
// or if no types are available ($GLOBALS['TCA'][tableName]['typeicon_column'] is empty or not set),
// creates an identifier composed of "tcarecords-[tablename]-default", e.g. tcarecords-tx_ext_domain_model_singletyperecord-default.
'showOneNewRecordButtonPerRecordType' => true,
'footer' => [
// false => fully removed, true => fully visible (depending on further configuration),
// 'accordion' => create footer "show/hide" button
'enabled' => false,
// show the list of possible columns to display in the table?
'fieldselection' => true,
// show the checkboxes at the bottom?
'listoptions' => [
// Use either boolean values to only affect visibility but not the current status determined by
// the BE-user session values
// true => visible, status as is; false => invisible, status as is;
// Or use string values to set visibility and initial checkbox (and thus feature) status
// 'set-visible' => visible, status is set; 'set-invisible' => invisible, status is set;
// 'unset-visible' => visible, status is unset; 'unset-invisible' => invisible, status is unset;
'extendedview' => true,
'clipboard' => true,
'localization' => true,
For each EXTKEY you add to $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['fbit_berecordlist']['modules']
you will get a new submodule inside the main module created by this extension., (*4)
Please open issues and pull requests here., (*5)