Adds a Twig render method to Page
Adds a Twig render method to Page
Assets module help you to move your `index.php` file of Process Wire CMS to any part you like.
Social login through HybridAuth, standard login, registration and user profile for your site
Module to handle migration files in ProcessWire
Google Client library for use with ProcessWire CMS/CMF + module demonstrating usage (MarkupGoogleCalendar).
Payment Module for Paypal Express Checkout
Fieldtype/Inputfield module for ProcessWire allowing easy generation of thumbnails of the PDF files
This module helps to mark up all abbreviations
ProcessWire Fieldtype storing files in a customized location, for example outside the web-root.
Provides ProcessWire integration for various template engines such as Twig or Smarty.
ProcessWire module adding Twig templates to the TemplateEngineFactory