2017 © Pedro Peláez

symfony1-plugin axis-materialized-path-repository-plugin

Plugin to use materialized path as hierarchy backend for Propel entities



Plugin to use materialized path as hierarchy backend for Propel entities

  • Tuesday, April 7, 2015
  • by e1himself
  • Repository
  • 1 Watchers
  • 0 Stars
  • 6 Installations
  • PHP
  • 0 Dependents
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  • 0 Open issues
  • 2 Versions
  • 0 % Grown


AxisMaterializedPathRepository Plugin

Symfony1 plugin to implement materialized path repository for storing hierarchical data, (*1)


  1. Symfony 1.4
  2. Propel ORM Plugin 1.6
  3. PHP 5.4+


  1. Add requirement to your composer.json:

~~~ json "require": { "e1stuff/axis-materialized-path-repository-plugin": "0.1.*" }, (*2)

2. Build model by running `php symfony propel:build-model` 3. Update your database schema (using propel migration or manually) 4. Enable plugin in `ProjectConfigiration` Usage ----- Assume you have entity in your schema that need to be stored hierarchically: ~~~ yaml propel: document: id: ~ title: ~ created_at: ~ author_id: { type: int }

You do not need to modify your schema to organize your objects into tree., (*3)

Implement getTreeId() and getTreeType() methods in your entity:, (*4)

~~~ php, (*5)

class Document { public function getTreeId() { return (string)$this->getPrimaryKey(); }, (*6)

public function getTreeType() { return CLASS; } }, (*7)

Tree control: ~~~ php // create a tree manager $tree = new TreeManager('Document'); // Document - your entity name $root = new Document(); $root->setTitle('Homepage'); $root->save(); // note that entity should have ID before putting into $tree->put('/', $root); $contacts = new Document(); $contacts->setTitle('Contact us'); $contacts->save(); $tree->put('/contact-us/', $contacts); $about = new Document(); $about->setTitle('About us'); $about->save(); $tree->put('/about-us/'); // ... $doc = $tree->get('/contact-us/'); echo $doc->getTitle(); // Contact us $children = $tree->getChildren('/'); // [$contacts, $about] $tree->move('/about/', '/our-company/', Position::before($contacts)); echo $tree->get('/our-company/')->getTitle(); // About us $children = $tree->getChildren('/'); // [$about, $contacts]


See public methods of TreeManager class., (*8)

  • put($path, $entity) - put an entity link into tree
  • move($path, $newPath, $position = null) - move entity link to another empty location
  • reorder($path, $position) - reorder entity link without changing hierarchy
  • get($path) - get entity associated with path
  • remove($path) - remove path
  • getAll() - return all tree entities
  • getBranch($path) - returns all entities of a subtree (including subroot) (map [path => entity])
  • getSiblings($path) - return all entities within same parent (map [path => entity])
  • countSiblings($path) - return number of siblings
  • getChildren($path) - return all direct children (map [path => entity])
  • countChildren($path) - return number of direct children
  • getAncestors($path) - return all ancestors (map [path => entity])
  • getLevel($path) - return level of path
  • getDescendants($path) - return all descendants (map [path => entity])
  • countDescendants($path) - return number of all descendants

The Versions

07/04 2015


9999999-dev https://github.com/e1himself/axis-materialized-path-repository-plugin

Plugin to use materialized path as hierarchy backend for Propel entities

  Sources   Download


The Requires


symfony propel hierarchy materialized path

14/12 2013

0.1 https://github.com/e1stuff/axis-materialized-path-repository-plugin

Plugin to use materialized path as hierarchy backend for Propel entities

  Sources   Download


The Requires


symfony propel hierarchy materialized path